Chapter 26

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Chapter 25

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(Gabriel POV)

It’s the week of Thanksgiving and our short little break is after tomorrow so we have  2 days of school this week with a five day weekend. Last week was awkward between me and Ash just like last time, every time I looked at her or heard her name I would think about what happened and blush like crazy she found it cute or so she says I found it embarrassing. Yes it was amazing I admit that, I never had someone make me want something so badly before and now I couldn’t stop thinking about it every time she touched me I would get this feeling in my chest or my stomach would feel like it was floating. I can feel my face heating up as I thought about that day it was so good I was delirious after I came down from it, it was like I was in a heavenly bliss that I didn’t want to come down from. Her hands were like magic hitting all the right spots I have never felt something so intense before .

“Gabs what are you thinking about” Ash asked me smirking I looked at her blushing at the name.

“I told you not to call me that” I said quietly to her she smiled.

“But its you’re”

“Ash I swear if you finish that sentence I will kill you,” I told her, my face was probably redder than a tomato right now she laughed at me.

“Fine I’ll only call you that in private” she said winking at me my grew face hotter at that.
“You know Gabby you’re face is going to stay that color if you don’t stop thinking about it” She said grinning at me I looked down at my shoes embarrassed about being caught.

“We can do it again,” She whispered in my ear a shiver racked through my body when I felt her warm breath in my ear I felt my body heat up. I’m such a pervert now I shifted away from her in my seat giving us some distance she was leaning on her hand with her head to the side smirking at me.

“Ash please stop it,” she laughed at me again

“Why Gabby you’re so fun to tease” she said poking my cheek as I swatted her hand away from my face.

“Ash please stop teasing the girl, you’ve been doing it since last week” Aly said turning towards us I gave her a grateful look before she started talking again.

“But Aly look at her” Ash said chuckling at me Aly looked at me letting out a laugh too I frowned at them blushing.

“Ok its fun to tease you about you’re MP leaving you covered in bites” She said I put my head down on the table hiding my face in my arms this is Ash’s fault she left my body covered in hickey’s last week and I forgot to cover them and every one saw them on my neck and where my shirt wasn’t buttoned up at. Then the girls practically attacked me and dragged me out the cafeteria, to the bathroom and held me down until they unbuttoned my shirt half way to see all the marks Ash left on me. Ever since then they have been hounding me trying to figure out who the Mystery person is of course they didn’t realize it was the person sitting in front of them.

“Alright Gabby I’ll stop” Ash said from beside me I lifted my bright red face up and looked at her she was staring at me giving me a small smile making my heart speed up.


After last week Gabriel has been blushing like crazy it worse now than it was last time every time I touched her or looked at her she would automatically turn red leaving me laughing I know I shouldn’t tease her but its to funny watching her squirm and blush under my gaze. I loved when she blushed because of me I smiled at her as she looked at me with a bright red face the bell rung signaling for our next class making Gabriel look away from me as she picked up her books. I grabbed my binder and waited for her to finish once she was I took her book out of her hand and walked out the class room with her walking beside me slowly in daze blushing I shook my head, the girl acts like she never did anything like that before well I don’t think she has I looked down at her. I’m sure she had boyfriends before came here right I mean she’s beautiful who wouldn’t want to date her I guess I’ll ask her later I should have asked her before I did anything to tell you the truth but I couldn’t wait any longer.

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