Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

ANOther chappp =)


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(Ash POV)

So turns out Rachel did get kicked out so my dad offered for her to stay over our house until she can find a place on her own so she been over here since Sunday. I let her have my room while I slept in the room in the basement where we had an extra room, she tried to convince me to let her sleep down in the basement but I told her she had to take my room I also told her to lock her door at night just in case Jesse or Nathan tried something not that they would try after me and dad gave them a warning, she also told them she was gay much to their disappointed I laughed at them when their faces fell. Her father also took her car away from her so I have to drive her to school, which isn’t a problem since she is living with me so it wasn’t out my way or anything she said she would leave as soon as it was possible she said something about she’s been saving money up in case something happened my dad offered to give her an office job with him but she refused it saying that she had one that paid her well enough which is true waiters make a lot of money especially if its an expensive restaurant like the one she work. I think my dad called up his friend from the restaurant and told him what happened and asked him to give her a raise of course the guys agrees they also told me not to tell her. Well this leads me to today I parked my car and Rachel got out earning stares at us I groaned theyy usually just saw me with Gabriel in my car, I don’t usually take girls to school unless its Gabby or Aly I could already see the rumor circulating around us.

“Hey Ash you can tell you’re friends what happened I don’t want you to lose you’re chance with Gabriel over me” She said I nodded thankful, I really didn’t feel like explaining it to them but I would have to because by lunch time their bound to here something.

“Thanks Rach I’ll see you later” I said she nodded and we went our separate ways I went in the class where I saw everyone talking I looked and Gabriel was sitting there lost in her thought I made my way to her sat down.
“Gabby what wrong” I asked snapping her out of her thoughts

“Um nothing” She mumbled she looked so confused and lost right now I frowned at her I’ll ask her later about what’s going on with her.

“Are you sure Gabby” I asked concerned she nodded and gave me a small smile before turning to the front as the teacher came in. She’s usually talkative in this class something must have happened over the weekend I didn’t call her on Sunday because I was helping Rachel settle in but I did text although she never responded back to it. I glanced at her she was just taking notes as the teacher talked I sighed I’m definitely going to talk to her later.

(Gabriel POV)

1st period I was zoned out I’m so confused now the empty feeling in my stomach did not leave it was almost gone until I heard someone say that Ash and Rachel were together I also heard that they came to school together today too. I’m guessing that it true because Ash hasn’t denied it yet I was in the cafeteria sitting at the table with the other as both Ash and Rachel walked in laughing I felt something in my chest I turned away from them as Ash came over and sat down next to me she looked at me and I looked away from and started to eat my food as the girls and guys talked animatedly about the upcoming party Friday I don’t think I wanted to go anymore.

“Gabby please tell me what wrong” Ash said quietly to me I looked at her and gave her a fake smile I cant tell her what wrong when I didn’t know what was wrong with me myself.

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