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Spiderman's POV: After being carried for almost two miles we approached at a apartment. It look pretty decent on the outside, but on the inside it looked like Satan had a war in here. There were empty pizza boxes and chimmichungas bags on the floor, blood stains spread all over the walls, comic books in the far corner. "Wow this place is a dump" I though to myself as I was sat in a chair and tied up with rope as I sat in complete silence Deadpool untied the original rags that were tied to my arms and legs then my mouth so I could talk. As soon as he untied my mouth I bit his hand "Oww that hurt you jerk!" He retorted back in a hurt tone " Why did you kidnap me!?!, do you not know how worried my dads will be if I don't get home!?!" I yelled in a worried and angry tone only to be grabbed by the chin. He bent down and whispered in my ear " I'm only gonna say this once so listen carefully, I want u" said Deadpool in his sexy lust filled voice.
I accidentally let out a soft moan deep from in me and try to cover my mouth, but I couldn't thanks to the ropes holding me down.

Deadpool's POV: As we arrived at my little sweet apartment I opened the door, got one of my chairs and sat Spidey in it and so he couldn't run I tied him up to the chair untying the original rags I had tied around him and the little rat bit my hand. "Owe that hurt you jerk" I yelled back in a tone full f hurt and anger then of course the questions started pouring in like rain.{We should knock him out so will stop talking he's driving me crazy} stated the yellow box [how about you shut up and deal with it you big baby your acting like its the end of the world] replied the white box. Since little Spidey here wanted an answer I grabbed his chin, bent down and whispered " I only gonna say this once so listen carefully, I want you" I finished stating and heard him a soft moan and smirked as he tried to cover his face from embarrassment. Then all of a sudden my heart started beating face and my face started to get warmer and then I suddenly grabbed Spidey and pulled him into a hug and held him tight not caring what the world was saying. I turned his head and looked at him and said " if you ever need help with anything call me" I then handed him my number with my real name on it and untied him so he could return home.
Before he jumped out the window I grabbed him by the arm and planted a quick peck on the lips even though our mask were still on and watched him leave.

Spideman's POV: As I sat in embarrassment I was suddenly pulled into a tight hug and it felt so warm. I then look at him in complete shock and watched as he lowered himself to my face and said " if you ever need help with anything call me" he then gave me a slip of paper with his name on it as I though to myself while reading the slip "Wade, that's sounds like a cute name" he then untied me and let me go back home to my parents. But before I could jump out the window he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into a quick, but sweet little kiss on the lips. As I jumped through the window and webbed home all I could think of was that kiss " this is gonna be a long night" I stated as I continued my way home.

Scars And Laughs Can Change Your Life/A Spideypool FanficWhere stories live. Discover now