Chapter 25

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We have a one more stretch to go.....

Thanks for reading..


Maria left Jane's room feeling proud of herself for having convinced her to join the party, but she also felt guilty for telling her a lie. She knew Jane was a calm lady by description but she heard from Derek his sister was not the most forgiving being in the world. She took trust and loyalty very seriously. Maria stayed confident in Derek's words, once she found out why they had done what they did she would understand, she hoped.

She had left her future family member to put on her dress with the help of a lady's maid. She had made her hair and added colour to her face. Jane was beautiful and she was grateful she was Derek's sister, for if she too would be vying for his hand she would not stand a chance against her. Which made her question why so many had turned away from her when she had her first season. Surely she, much younger then, had the gift of youth and beauty, then why did they not fall over each other for her hand.

'There you are, is Jane ready?' Derek said as he was walking up the stairs. Maria simply nodded. 'What is the matter?' his eyes so blue looked into hers with concern. She saw this man before her, he was beautiful and he had a beautiful soul. She knew she was being a silly girl but the lie she had told Jane was what her heart truly desired. She knew Derek did not care for title or prestige but his father would. He would never let his son marry into a family of bankruptcy and gambling. Her mother was widely known for her less than discreet escapades and she did not try to hide her love and want for money and prestige. No doubt the Duke knew of her and even though she had been welcomed into their home she had often seen the look on the Duke's face, it was less than pleasing. She often wondered what his father thought of her. She knew she was nothing like her mother but she did not expect the rest of the world to know that. The English society was a cruel one and they judged every chance they got.

'Nothing is the matter, I feel for Jane. She is clearly heartbroken and she will hate both you and me tonight.'

He reached her and took her hands, Derek had been around women to know that is not what was bothering her but he responded to her anyway, 'She will not hate us, she will be upset for a while but grateful at the end of it all.'

'You are her family she has no choice but to forgive you, your father will order it.'

He laughed, 'What's the matter Maria. I know my sister's troubles are barely affecting your heart. Tell me,' he said while leading her down the stairs. One thing Derek was forever grateful to his father for was the liberties they were afforded within their household. He believed in his ability to raise upright children and even though at times they would step out of line, they never really caused any damage. In another household, it would be a grand taboo for him to be walking hand in hand with a woman he had not already spoken for.

'You have a beautiful family and I am envious, that is all. I never had a sister to talk to or a mother who would go through lengths such as these for me. My mother is a whore and all of England knows this.'

'And you are worried her choices in life will sway the opinion of you in the face of my father?'

Maria stopped walking. 'It is written all over your face and Jane mentioned as much to me. You have nothing to worry about. If my father did not want you here, you would not have made it past the first luncheon. My first attachment was sent fleeing from this very house,' he smiled trying to ease her mood but it only made her return a small smile in return. 'Maria, I have chosen you and if you think I have not asked for your hand yet because I am afraid of what may come of it I can assure you the only reason I haven't asked for your hand is because as Jane's elder brother I must make sure she is safe and secure before I can think of my own happiness. Imagine me laying awake at night with you, my wife, beside me and my sister has retired to an old maid's home. It wouldn't be right and Wickam asked for our help tonight. We can offer it and after all this is done you and I will speak to my father and I will offer for your hand then.'

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