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The door to FentonWorks pushed softly open as Danny quietly came in.

Danny sighed and closed the door as quietly as possible. He glanced around the kitchen and pulled his blue jacket tighter.

"Two days."

Danny froze.

"You've been gone for two days, Danny." Jazz said softly.

Danny grimaced and turned to face his sister, who he had totally missed sitting in a chair at the table.

"I know Jazz. I've just been...." Danny trailed off.

"Busy?" her eyes watered.

Danny winced. "I'm so sorry Jazzy. I was with Clockwork, he....I'm...Jazz, I...."

Jazz got up from her seat, and wrapped him up in a warm hug. "We were so worried Danny. We thought that Vlad had gotten you. Or Skulker, or Walker, or Undergrowth and...I'm so glad you're okay..."

Danny hugged her back tightly. "I'm sorry Jazz. What I've gotten myself into this time...I think you'll be my therapist forever..."he joked feebly.

Jazz released him and wiped her watery eyes. "Why?"

Danny rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"'s kinda hard to explain, so I only want to do it once, when we can talk with Sam and Tucker."

Jazz looked at him sadly, and nodded slowly. Danny then remembered something important. He reached in his jacket pocket.

He pulled out the headsets, and pulled out the blue and white one.

"Here, Jazzy. We can talk to each other through these headsets. Anytime I want to talk, I'll beep you. Okay?" he handed her the headset.

She took the headset and examined it. She nodded.

"I think those colors suit you."

Jazz laughed and pulled him in for another hug. She then frowned and pushed him away.

"Danny, you're taller." she commented.

The kitchen light snapped on.

The two teens stood there like deer caught in headlights.

"Jazz? Danny? Oh my God, Danny!"

Maddie Fenton rushed down the stairs, wrapping her son in a crushing hug. She started crying.

"Oh Danny! I thought you were gone! Why did you leave? What happened?" Maddie questioned.

Jack Fenton still stood on the stairs, very confused.

Danny pulled himself from her grip. "Mom, I'm fine! I'm okay, I'm back now.." he muttered.

Maddie took in his appearance. "Why are you dressed like this? Where did you get this stuff from?"

Jazz glanced at Danny's attire, which was skinny jeans, a shirt, a jacket, and a beanie. She frowned. Where would he even get those clothes?

"Uh, I was...walking. And some dude kidnapped me. Threw me in his car and drove like 15 miles, dumped me out on the side of the road." Danny improvised. Jazz narrowed her eyes.

Maddie looked shaken. "How'd you get the clothes? How'd you get back?"

"Well, I had snatched that guys wallet, the dude who kidnapped me. I bought me some clothes cause I fell in some mud. I stayed in a hotel. Then rented a cab to bring me back. The cabbie ditched me a couple blocks down the street. Took the guys wallet." Danny lied easily.

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