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Danny slipped out of the class in a bad mood.

He had told him not to come here, not while he in was class...

Danny turned the corner and slipped through the wall out to the front steps of the school.

Danny walked the last few feet to hid visitor an hissed, "I told you not to come here!"

Fright Knight shook his head. "I apologize for defying you, my king. But it is of the utmost importance..."

Danny glanced around. "And what did I tell you about trying to look so scary all the time?" He gestured to Fright's armor.

"If someone sees you like that, they'll recognize you! I don't want you to get caught, I don't want me to get caught."

Fright shook his head. "I'm sorry, in my haste I had forgotten.." Fright's armor melted away, melting down to reveal a tall, black haired teen dressed in green and black.

"Better, my king?" he smiled, revealing pointed teeth, eyes still glowing red.

Danny fumed. "Uh, no."

"Sir, I came here to tell you that Walker has deliberately defied your orders."

Danny bristled, his blue eyes darkening to match his navy jacket. "He's still hunting them..."

"The warden admittedly does not like you. He will stop at nothing until he has even you locked away in his hold."

"Well that's not gonna happen. Get the others. Meet back here later, we're taking him down." Danny said.

Fright frowned. "Why not come now?"
"You know I have school." Danny sighed.

Fright narrowed his eyes. "You need to remember that you are not human anymore, young master. The situation will only get worse. You have no need to be here."

Danny growled and turned around. "Know your place, Fright." Fright sighed.

"Fine. How long will you stay here, sir?"

"As long as I want, Fright. I'll take what's left of this and enjoy it while I have it."


"Later, Fright." Danny closed his eyes and sighed.

"Yes, sir." Fright said, and turned around. He took one last look at Danny, then started running to the city, faster than any human should ever go.

Danny huffed and ran a hand through his hair, pushing it back.


Danny slid out of his seat as the bell rang.

Lunch. Finally...

"Mr. Fenton!" Lancer called as students pushed past.

Danny halted and looked back.

"That was an awful long time, for something from your locker." he said, suspicious.

Danny grinned, Mr. Lancer pondered on how his teeth had gotten so sharp...

"Well, I think you forgot... My locker is on the other side of the school. " he shrugged and slammed the door.

Danny smiled and walked outside to where his friends were waiting by the tree.

"What is up with you today, man?" Tucker questioned. Danny had to admit, he had been acting overly happy, sarcastic, and mysterious. But it was fun.

Danny shrugged and stuck his hands in his jacket pockets.

"I don't know man, I haven't felt like this since....well, you know...."

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