The First Day

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Marshall's POV

Collin and I have been best friends since preschool. I remember him always being alone and playing with blocks so one day I helped him build a house of blocks (it was more of a pile but it looked a lot better back then). Today was our first day of high school and I could tell he was nervous. I climbed out my bedroom window and onto the roof, that almost connected to his, and knocked on his window.

"Collin if you don't get a move on its going to be the last day of senior year," I joked. He opened the window poking his head out.

"I'm trying but I can't find my sweater vest," he says going back in and pulling clothes out of his drawers.

"No no no. Come on dude. We're freshman now. You're going to wear my clothes from now on," I pull him through his window and into my room. I grab a pair of dark wash jeans and a random t-shirt.

"My mom said I looked handsome in my vest," he protests.

"Well then you're mom is a huge liar," I hand him the clothes and push him to my bathroom. He changes pretty quickly and walks out.

"Are these jeans supposed to feel like a second skin?" He holds his breath, exaggerating how tight the jeans were.

"Yes now stop complaining. You look great," I tell him.

"You think?" He straightened his shirt and looked down at his outfit.

"You look 20 time better. Okay now if you keep trying to act like a 11 year old girl we're going to be late for the first day," I grab his arm and pull him down the stairs with me.

"Good morning Collin," my mother sweetly said.

"Good morning Mrs. White," he smiled at her.

"Collin come one we're going to be late!" I pulled him out the door while he tried to talk to my mom. I rush him out the door just in time to catch the bus. We sit together and I can tell by the way he slumps down in his seat that he was scared.

"Collin are you alright?" I ask, fairly concerned for him. He didn't say anything to answer. He just nodded a little. As soon as we got to school, we both got off the bus and followed our schedules to our lockers. Apparently, our lockers ended up in the same hall, just 6 away from each other. The bell rings signaling the start of homeroom and I hurry to get there in time. Jonathan Marcus and Gabby Charles were sitting beside each other and looking like they could eat each other. Mind you, we're only freshman. Well, homeroom was very boring. Especially without Collin. The bell rang and I just a bout ran out of the class.

"Collin! Wait up!" I saw him and tried to catch his attention.

"Hey," he said quietly. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Emily, one of the populars, looking at us.

"Emily is looking at us," I whisper to him. He looks at me with wide eyes. "Seriously? Do I look stupid?" He worries.

"No you look fine," I assure him. She walks over to us and I see her tap him on the shoulder.

"Hi Collin. And oh hi... Michael is it?" She definitely hadn't payed attention to me the last 4 years...

"It's Marshall," I state.

"So, Collin. I'm having a party on Friday. Do you want to go?" She puts her hand on her shoulder, causing him to blush and stutter,

"u-uh y-yeah," she smiles and kisses his cheek.

"See you there. I'll be waiting," she says and walks away. Although I should be very happy for him I can't help but be a bit angry that she would try to play him.

"Dude! She invited me to her party!" He gushed as we walked into our English class. We both sit down beside each other and he continues to worry about it.

"Dude calm down. I'll be there to back you up," I pat his shoulder and he nods.

"Hello class. Welcome to your first day of the best or worst class you'll have this year," the teacher said. All I heard was "blah blah blah blah blah," but that's all I ever hear. Without realizing it I zone out while staring at Collin. "Why are you starring at me? Do I have something on my face?" He says quickly.

"Oh, no. Sorry," I chuckle and look at my desk. On my binder, what I hadn't noticed was a note saying,

I have to talk to you about something. It's really important...

I look up at him to see that he wasn't looking at me but staring at the teacher and ignoring me. In what seemed as a few seconds, the bell rang and we all walked out of the class. In less than a few hours, we were getting off the bus and walking on the sidewalk to my house.

"So what did you need to tell me?" I ask casually.

"What? Oh that note. Uh. I don't remember..." He lies.

"Don't lie," I raise my eyebrows at him.

"It's not that important," he says walking in front of me so I couldn't see his face.

"Collin..." I stop him and turn him to look him in the eye, "what's going on. You're acting weird."

"Marshall, I said I'm fine," he tells me sternly.

"Please? Something's bothering you and it's really worrying me," I say holding onto his arm so he doesn't walk away.

"Fine but not here. I'll tell you in your room," he complies and I let go of his arm. The walk to my house was silent. As soon as I opened the front door I could smell my mom cooking dinner already.

"Hello boys! How was school?" She asked from the kitchen.

"Good," I answered, going up the stairs and to my room. I dropped my backpack on the floor and flipped face first into the bed.

"So what's wrong," I try to say but it gets muffled a bit by the bed. I sit up and look him in the eye as he sits beside me on the dark green and black bed. He sat there. Not saying anything. Just starring at me. He seemed to be having a mental war with himself and it gave me time to study him to see if I could guess what was going on before he would tell me. He opened his mouth a but as though he was finally about to talk but no sound came out. He closed his mouth and frowned.

"Collin I don't have all day. Well I guess I do but that's not the point. I'm your best friend, what's so bad that you can't tell me?" I look at him with pleading eyes.

"Marshall. If I tell you... I could ruin everything..." He says softly. Ideas of what it could be swarm my head. Is he moving? Does he hate me? Did I do something wrong? Is he secretly a vampire and he wants to use me as his human blood supply? Probably not the last one but who knows. When it comes to Collin, you can never know for sure.

"Just... Just don't be mad at me..." He whispers before crashing his lips into mine. He pulls away quickly and stands.

"Collin..." I look at him dumbfounded.

"I'm sorry... I'm stupid... I'm sorry..." He climbed out the window and closed it behind himself. I was too stunned to try to stop him. By the time I had gotten back to reality, he was already locking his window and closing the blinds.

Well. This has been the worst first day of school. Ever.

UnlikelyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora