Emily the Malevolent

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Collin's POV

What was I thinking?! Can I get any stupider?! Calm down Collin. Just lost your only friend. No big deal... There's a knocking on my window but I ignore it completely. Its probably just Marshall, here to yell at me for being an idiot and for ruining everything.

"Collin! Open the window!" Marshall yells from outside. i pull up the blinds and see him rubbing his arms and trying to warm himself up.

"Why would I? You're just going to yell at me," I ask him.

"Dude it's freezing out here. Please let me in," He begs. I sigh and open the window, walking the other way so I have space between us.

"Collin. Never do something like that then leave. Ever," He looks at me seriously. I stay silent, wanting get yelled at as least as possible.

"Can you please explain what that was? Please?" He doesn't look angry. That's a good sign right? His face softens as he looks at me with sad eyes. Why was he sad?

"I-I don't know why I did that. I was just going to talk to you then I just couldn't help myself. Okay let me tell you so you don't have to keep guessing... One. I'm gay as hell. Two. I-I really like you Marshall..." I try to explain my situation but the words don't seem to fit together.

"Why haven't you said anything about it until now?" He asks taking a step closer to me.

"Well I just didn't want you to be angry with me. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't just going through some phase... After a year, I'm pretty sure I'm not," I state. Marshall took another step forward and looked at me.

"Thank you for telling me. Better late than never," he wrapped me in a hug I wasn't prepared for.

"I'm sorry I kissed you..." I remark softly.

"Collin. If I would want anyone to have my first kiss with, it would be you. I'm pleased it wasn't some random chic or some weirdo. No wait I take that back. You are a weirdo so never mind about that part," he chuckles and I hug him back with a giant smile.

"Well. I've got to go to dinner. Wanna join? Mom made roast," he offered as he pulled away from the hug.

"No I'm fine. Thank you though," I smile.

"Well. You know where to find me if you need me or if you change your mind about dinner," He opens up the window again.

"Alright. Goodbye Marshall," I say going over to my desk and turning on the lamp.

"See you tomorrow morning. No more sweater vests," he jokes and slips out the window. I stand there at the desk. Just watching him leave and go to open his window but as he opens it, he looks back at me and smiles. I wave at him and he hops into his own room and I close my blinds again before jumping up and down from excitement.

"Yes!" I exclaim pushing my fist out into the air.

• • •

On the bus I could help but smile very brightly as I sat down with Marshall.

"So. I was wondering... You hadn't really said anything after I told you yesterday. I mean. Am I only going to be a best friend?" I ask so horribly awfully that it made me blush.

"What do you want to be?" He asks me and stares straight into my eyes.

"I would really like to be more..." I look down bashfully.

"Then we will," he smile and grabs my hand. I look up at him and he gives me an assuring expression that lets me know that everything is okay. As soon as we got to school, I let go of his hand.

"I don't think we should tell everyone yet. Just to be safe..." I say warily. Marshall nodded but still left his finger lingering over the top of my hand. We walk through the halls and I try to be as inconspicuous as possible.

"Hi Collin! Hi marcel," she says basically ignoring Marshall.

"Hi Emily," I say nicely. I've always acted like I liked her just so Marshall wouldn't really suspect anything else. She walked away, smiling her annoying, seemingly perfect, smile.


The bell rings and that means we have 4 minutes to get to class. Marshall departs from me and I walk the opposite way of him, to my homeroom. Waiting for me at my desk is Emily. I sit down and pull out a book to try to ignore her.

"I see you're still hanging with that Marcel kid," she remarks coldly.

"His name is Marshall. And yes I am," I say quietly as I open my book to wear I had left off.

"Why do you hang out with him? Isn't he really weird? I mean really. Have you seen his hair! It's like he's one of those popular wannabes," she says popping her gum and chewing it annoyingly loud.

"I'd appreciate it if you don't talk about my friend like that," I try to stay calm on the outside but on the inside I'm about to explode. I swear if she pops her gum again I'm going to have to pop her head.

"Wait he has friends? Oh, well. I just wanted to let you know that he's not allowed to go to my party," she pops her gum once more and everything seemed to be going in slow motion as I shoved her off of my desk and onto the floor.

"Oops. Sorry," I say monotone, licking my finger and turning the page of my book. She stands and huffs, wiping off her little black skirt that barely covered anything.


I stand as quickly as possible and just about run out of the door. I see Emily walk with her friends and they all start giggling and whispering. Sometimes I just don't understand the female gender.

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