Downward Spiral

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Collin's POV

"Collin?" Marshall steps into the bathroom and I hear him lock the door.

"Get out," I demand, locking the door to the stall I was in and wiping away some of the tears that were quickly escaping my eyes.

"Collin please. Just let me explain," he begs and knocks on the stall door.

"You don't have to explain. You've said enough. You don't like me anymore. I get it. Just leave me alone!" I get irate when he just won't leave.

"Take deep breaths, you'll hyperventilate," he says softly. I breathe deeply and start to calm myself down.

"W-why do you just want to be friends? D-did I do something wrong?" I ask.

"No. It's not that. I'd tell you but I'm trying to keep you safe. You have to trust me that this is for the best..." He tries to explain.

"Bull crap," I claim, "what's so absolutely horrible that we can't be together? You just don't like me. Isn't it? You like some girl don't you?" I opened the stall door and out of anger shoved him.

"That's not why-" he's cut off by my fury finally escaping my body in a whirlwind.

"No! That's exactly why and you know it! You think you can just break my heart?! You think you could save me?! You. Can't. If you were as smart as you think you are then maybe you'd realize that I'm beyond saving! And now thanks to you I have to face Paul! You don't think of anyone other than yourself. Good luck trying to find someone to put up with your crap!" I stomped out of the bathroom and looked around for anyone to be my savior. My gaze landed on Emily and I just about sprinted to her.

"Hi Emily. Are you having a party tonight?" I asked, looking over my shoulder to make sure Marshall wasn't trying to find me.

"Of course! Wanna come? Mary and Elise are going to be there. You know them right?" She asked in her usual perky tone.

"Hey would it be alright if I stayed over. It doesn't have to be anything weird. It's just, Marshall and I aren't really friends anymore and I don't exactly have anyone else..." I smile weakly at her.

"Sure. I'm sure my father won't mind. Oh gosh, we're going to be late to geometry. Come on!" She dragged me down the hall but I looked back at the sea of students to see Marshall's hood up and him moving in the opposite direction of me. Good riddance.


"So I'm thinking of wearing the maroon one. What do you think Collin?" Emily asked, holding up a maroon shirt with sequins in the shape of a heart.

"It's cute. Definitely that one," I smiled. She has been so nice to me, I don't know why Marshall would even say that she was mean. She moved into her bathroom and quickly got changed into the outfit she had picked out. After about an hour of getting ready for one of her famous parties, we were finally done.

"So. Are you and Marshall done? Like what happened?" She sat down beside me.

"I don't exactly know why he did but he told me he only wanted to be friends. But then I blew up on him and now I guess we aren't even friends. He's just too selfish. He's always only cared about himself," I said, still a little angry.

"It's alright. You've got me, and all I care about is you right now," she smiled and hugged me.

"Thank you Emily. It means a lot to me," I smile brightly at her, "now, you need to get ready for the party and I need to make myself look less like a slob." She giggles at my statement and we both go off to change and get ready.

"How do I look?" Emily asks, walking into the living room and taking the attention from my phone to her. She wore the outfit I had picked out with a few things she added on.

"Wow. You look great," I bite my lip and put my phone in my pocket.

After hours of following Emily around and talking to people that I barely knew existed, I was beginning to become tired. I sat down on a couch right beside two teens practicing to be vacuums I'm guessing. I looked at the other side of the room to see a boy that looked exactly like Marshall. It can't be him... I blinked a few times and he disappeared all together. I shook my head, knowing it was just my imagination. I had to be. Right? 

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 22, 2016 ⏰

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