Bruised and Bloody

10 3 1

Marshall's POV

"Who? Marshall? He's gay?!" I heard the rumors start up. I knew they would start. Especially with Collin. Everyone loved his personality but with me as his best friend, I guess it brought his popularity down. It's really selfish, I know, but he's my only friend. He probably could have been the most popular boy in school if I had let him. Although, to be honest, I don't exactly think he wants to be popular.

"Marshall," Emily stood in front of me and snapped me out of the trance I seemed to be in. Her two goons stood beside her.

"You remember my brothers, don't you?" She try's to make me scared somehow, but it's never worked.

"Why would you even call them brothers. They look more like giant hairy bears," I rolled my eyes. The bear on the left let out almost a growl. Hmm, maybe they are really bears.

"I wouldn't test your luck Marshall. Now, did you really think I wouldn't hear about you and Collin?" She asks.

"No I just didn't care if you heard or not," I stand there trying to totally blow her off.

"You're going to wish you didn't say that," she sneered. As she said that, her two goons grabbed my arms and caused me to try to struggle my way out of their grip but it seemed their was like steel that was enclosed around the tiny twig arms I had. Within a few moments I was on the ground and Emily was standing over me. I tried my best to move away from her but was picked up and pinned to the wall.

"Boys. I think he needs to learn to listen to me. Oh and Marshall, if I see you even look at Collin. Don't tell Collin either. Or this little meeting might have to happen again," Emily warned me before walking away to her homeroom, where everyone else was. Where Collin was...

Punch, kick, swearing, then...

Students filed out of their classroom and the scene from before had disappeared long ago and I was left to fend for myself against the stares and whispers. I kept my head down and pulled my hood up so that it would make me less noticeable. I saw Collin talking to Emily and laughing at what she had said. He looked at me and waved, causing me to dart into the bathroom before Emily could see who Collin was waving at. I sat in one of the stalls and locked it. I heard someone walk into the bathroom and I secretly hoped that it wasn't Collin. What would he say if I told him what happened? What if Emily found out I had told him?

"Marshall? Are you in here?" Collins voice echoed off the tiles of the bathroom and I could see him through the tiny crack in between the stall door and the wall.

"Yeah... Sorry, I'm not feeling well," I lied to him, something I've never done before. It hurt my chest to know I had lied to him... But I'm trying to protect myself and him. What if Emily did this to him next?

"Oh I'm sorry. Do you need to go home?" He asked, concerned for me.

"I don't know. Collin, you should get to class..." I warned him.

"Are you sure? I can stay with you," he offered.

"No," I said sternly and then softened, "I mean, no, you don't have to. I'll be fine by myself."

"Alright... Text me if you need me..." I waited until I heard the door of the bathroom close before slowly creeping out of the stall. I glanced over at the mirror on the wall to see a black eye that was starting to form. I peaked out of the door to see everyone was in class already so I scurried out towards the front doors and past a security guard, out the door. Shows just how safe this school is...


Knock. Knock. Knock

"Marshall. Are you going to open up or are you going to make me go through the front door," Collin asked, a bit irritated.

"Hold you pants on princess," I walked over to the window with sunglasses and a long sleeve shirt on to hide the bruises and the black eye. He climbed in the window and grumbled about something.

"How are you feeling?" He asked studying me.

"Still like crap but I'll be okay," I said. No wonder you feel like crap you idiot, it's not like you got punched in the face or anything.

"Well at least you aren't throwing up," he said, trying to point out the bright side.

"Yup. So, what did I miss? Anything important?" I tried to stay casual as I hid my face from him.

"There's a biology project. So to get going with it, I was thinking, I'll bring over poster board and some supplies. We can get started," he smiles, knowing that every time we're partners it's just us fooling around until last minute then us working till our fingers almost fall off.

"I don't know. Do you really want to work with me? I mean, I never do any work..." I tried to persuade him. Not wanting Emily to find out. That girl is terrifying...

"What are you talking about? We always do our projects together," he frowned and looked at me like I had 7 eyes and green skin.

"I just wanted to know if you might want to maybe change it up or something. You know?" I lie calmly. He nods but still looks at me skeptically.

"Are you sure that's why?" He asks.
Don't tell Collin
Her voice sounds through my head like a loudspeaker.

"I'm sure Collin, trust me," I smile a fake smile and try to be convincing.


Weeks go by and each day I seem to be growing farther away from Collin. I can see that he's not as happy as he used to be, although he's been warming up to Emily. Which is nice.

"Collin?" I grab his attention.

"Yeah?" He mumbles with a pencil held between his teeth.

"Can we just be friends from now on?" I asks softly, secretly hoping he hadn't heard me. The room was silent seeing as we had to work on our projects for science and if we talked then we get a detention. Tough school right? Well, I stare at his hand, wishing- no, hoping, he would hold my hand once more. It's been days since I've even gotten to touch him... It's so agonizing. I want to talk to him but to be honest, Emily could have everyone in school hate me, and Collin. And I don't want to drag him down too. He looks as though he might actually cry right here and now. Instead of saying anything to me he raises his hand and asks the teacher if he could use the restroom. The teacher nodded her head and he stood up and rushed out of the room. I raised my hand, "could I please use the restroom too? It's an emergency," I beg the teacher. She sighs and nods. I race after Collin, feeling horrible about everything.

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