Chapter 22

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Jaysean POV

"Baby we can't go tonight, you look too weak. I'm turning around, we going back home." My eyes peered over to Kiandra who was groaning in pain.

"No, I'm fine. Let's just go." Kiandra's eyes were nearly shutting closed and her body was quivering.

"Nah, I didn't ask ma. I'm telling you. We going back home. I just made a U."

"Why'd you do that?" she asked sounding more alert than she's been today.

"Your sick! You been sick fa like 2 weeks now Ki. It started with some coughs, a little headache here and there, nascea, and now you look like you about to croak or some shit, like no. You need some rest. You obviously sick as hell."

Her body looked lifeless and she rested on her side while still managing to burn a fucking hole in my face.

"And can you stop mean mugging me?" I rolled my eyes and focused on the dark road.

"Turn that music down."

"Who you talking to? That mean mouth of yours gonna get you in trouble one day."

I stopped at the light and turned over to Kiandra who was still giving me the death stare. She wouldn't say a word until I lowered the radio.

"Fine." I smacked my lips and returned to the road.

As soon as we made it home, her short ass hopped out the car without saying a word.

"You can't get in with no keys." I laughed at her while wiggling the house keys in the air.

"I have my copy. Jokes on you ass hole." She continued walking without looking back.

I waited my ass in the car and thought about her sudden mood swings. Is this girl pregnant? Cause she acting all bipolar and shit.

She keeps saying she's "okay" but she's not looking well at all. Maybe she knows she pregnant and she's not telling me.

Although, she told me she was on that birth control. So we been fucking like rabbid animals this month.

I came back to reality and killed the engine. Before I come inside I have to call Liyah and let her know that we bailed out.

I removed my phone from my side pocket and dialed Li's number.


"Yea, where y'all at?"

The noise in the background was loud so I put her on speaker to get a clearer voice.

"Change of plans. We can't come tonight, Kiandra look like a corpse right now." I giggled.

"What no! What happened?" She gasped.

"Liyah what's all that noise in the back?"

"Nothing boy damn. It was suppose to be surprise." She snapped.

"You threw a party for us?"


"But anyways, I don't know what's up with her...she may have the flu or some shit."

"You sure she not pregnant? She tells me y'all always having sex so you might wanna look into that." She giggled.

"Aye bruh chill!" I blushed as got out my car.

"Just saying! But anyways y'all take care." She sighed before hanging up on me.

I walked inside the crib and saw Kiandra sprawled on the couch like a zombie. Seems like she didn't make it far.

"What the hell?" I whispered to my self while thinking of what to do with her sick ass.

I lifted her up from the couch and she was knocked out to the max. I held her in my arms bridal style and brought her back into our Silver Range Rover.

I nearly dislocated my ass going back into the house. I needed to pack her things for the hospital just in case they wanted her to stay longer.

I entered her walk-in closet and stared at all the choices of clothing she had. The sad part ain't even half of it. I didn't know that I spoiled her this much.

I found a forest green adidas duffel to pack her hospital items in.

I quickly skimmed the drawers of her closet and stuffed her bag with undies and bras. I didn't know how much to pack so I only brought 5 pairs of undies, 4 pairs of socks and 3 bras.

I stuffed some plain shorts and tees in the bag followed by a pair of slides and forces.

Since I'm in a huge rush I didn't really pick out fashionable items.

After packing her clothes, I made a trip to the bathroom to grab her toothbrush, makeup bag, makeup wipes, and hygiene pouch.

I frantically searched our bedroom for her purse that had her info in it which ended up taking 5 extra minutes.

After gathering all her belongings, I grabbed a bottle of water for her and locked up the crib.

When I came back to the car she was just as I left her. I packed her stuff in the back and started the car.

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