Have you ever lost the one thing you can't live without?

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Marks P.O.V


Smiling, I walked to the edge.  Her face filled my mind and her warmth guarded me against the winter night. I could hear the sirens behind me, but that didn't matter. I'll be with her soon. 

She was my world. My everything. The first time I ever saw her, she stole my heart. Tears silently filled my eyes, blocking my vision and then escaped down my cheeks as my chin began to shake and a soft whimpering sound came from my mouth.


 I didn't want to go on with out my sweet, sweet Addison.. Shouting made it's way over the hill top making me jump suddenly I lost my balance and fear washed over me. Not like this. Not without saying goodbye first. Thankfully, I was always good on my feet and my panic was over as I caught my balance.


"Addison... If you can hear me... I love you, so much. You are my world, and without you I have nothing. I've loved you since the day I saw you. Being away from you hurts, the pain is unbearable but don't worry baby, I know it hurts you too, I'm going to fix it. Soon we'll be together again. Me, You and our..." I whispered wiping the tears that were now streaming down my face.

"Our little baby..." I finished. The words weren't even a whisper. Addy was three months pregnant when she went missing... That was five and a half months ago...


I wiped away the tears, ignoring the shouting that was telling me to kneel on the floor and to put my hands up above my head.

I imagined Addy. Her face, her laugh, her lips on mine. I'd stopped crying by then, she always made me happy, made me smile. I put the bravest smile I could on, and with a last goodbye.

I jumped.

'I love you. I love you. I love you.'

Was all that went through my mind as I fell. The cold air hitting me, covering my face and dashing into the cracks of my clothes.  I could feel my hair been pinned back by the cruel and harsh wind. 

I opened my eyes to see the velvet sea coming towards me, welcoming me. 

Thousands of pins stabbed me like a blanket wrapping around me. Swaying me to sleep. The cold water filled my lungs and dragged me down. 

I didn't fight it. I didn't want to. I let it take me.

Then. Darkness.

It's senses surrounded me. The smell of home. The sight of paradise. The sweet taste of her love. It's warm touch keeping me safe, leading me to my beautiful Addison.


The end. :) 

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