Enjonine One-Shot

328 16 9

Dedicated to annastclair2403

The cold nipped at my face as I walked toward Grantaire's house. It was now only a few minutes away. And thank goodness, because it was freezing. I looked down and counted the cobblestones as I stepped. You have to be wary on these streets, though. They were very dangerous. But I know my way around. I know how to avoid sketchy-looking people.

I knocked on the wooden door and it immediately flew open.

"Hey, Èp!"

"Hi, Grantaire!" I grinned. It was so nice to be in a loving environment for a change.

"Come on in!"

I stepped into his home. The warmth instantly enveloped me. I closed my eyes, face upturned, and smiled.

Grantaire chuckled at me as he closed the door. "Come on in and have some tea."

I smiled at him and entered the small kitchen. But then I gave a little start. He had invited another guest. A young man with curly blonde hair and blue eyes was sitting at the table.

"Hey Enjolras, mind if Èponine joins us?"

"I've never minded before, have I?"

Grantaire shook his head and pulled up an extra chair. "Sit down, Èp."

I obediently sat. Grantaire had, I was sure, purposefully placed my chair next to Enjolras. Not that I didn't like him. It's just that he makes me nervous, partly because he was fierce and sometimes rough-an attitude that matched his facial features-and partly because every time I was around him, I felt like my heart was beating outside my chest, exposed and vulnerable and likely to tear apart at any moment.

"Umm... how-how are you, Enjolras?" I asked after an awkward pause.

"I'm doing well."

"How's the... the revolution planning going?"

"It's going well."

"That's... good."

He nodded.

Another awkward pause.

"Would you like something to drink, Éponine?" Grantaire called from the kitchen cabinet.

"Sure!" I said happily, eager to break the silence. "Do you want anything, Enjolras?"

He shook his head. "I'm good, but thanks, Éponine. How are you, by the way?"

"I'm doing well!" I chirped, a little too happily. He looked at me skeptically and raised his eyebrows.

"Well, as good as I can be," I added quietly.

"Well, if things get a little rough over there, you can always stay with..." he started, but then noticed Grantaire watching intently while pretending to prepare a drink. "...with Grantaire!" He finished, without missing a beat. "You can always stay with Grantaire."

I smiled. "And will you be here too?"

"I might drop by," he said casually, putting his feet on the table.

"Here are your drinks," Grantaire said, coming over and placing them in front of us. "I have to take care of something in the other room." And with that he turned and disappeared down the hall. We heard a door close.

Great. Now it was just me and Enjolras.

He no longer had his feet on the table and was gazing off into the distance. Suddenly he turned and looked at me. "Are you alright?"


"At home. How are things at home?" he asked softly, leaning on his elbows on the table.

I didn't know why I suddenly became angry. "What do you care? I'm doing fine."

He looked at me closely for a moment and slowly wrapped his hand around my wrist. "No, you're not."

Enjolras, please don't look at me like that, you'll make me fall in love with you. And I'm not supposed to be in love with you, I'm supposed to be in love with Marius.

I sighed and leaned back in my chair hopelessly. Marius...

"It's Marius," I muttered. "He doesn't even look at me." I turned to Enjolras. "He doesn't even look at me!" I shouted. "And Thenardiér wants me to start working at the docks tomorrow and I've been there, I've seen how horrible it is, I don't want to go, I don't want to go!"

The tears were coming fast now. Without even thinking, without realizing what I was doing or what the consequences would be, I threw myself onto Enjolras's shoulder, only to draw back a moment later with a shaky gasp as though coming up from the freezing cold water. "I'm sorry," I whispered, terrified. "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking..." I backed away slowly. The man would probably throttle me. He was not one to take kindly to sentiment.

But he hadn't throttled me yet. I stared at him, waiting.

He gave a deep, tired sigh. "Éponine..."


"Come back and sit down."

He wasn't angry. I could breathe again. I went over and sat. "I just... I just don't know what to do..."

I looked at him, and for the first time I saw a different Enjolras. This Enjolras was scared, with softened features and tired eyes.

"Enjolras..." I whispered, daring to move close to him. "Enjolras... what's wrong?"

He looked at me. "I don't know what to do either." He whispered.

My hand shook a little as I hesitantly raised a hand to his face. A little unsure of myself, I gently pressed my palm to his cheek. "It's going to be okay," I whispered. "We're going to be okay."

"Marius doesn't deserve you. You don't need him." He said suddenly.

It was as if I needed his affirmation, because as soon as he said that an immense weight lifted off my shoulders. I was free. Enjolras was right. I really didn't need him.

The crying had made me tired. I slowly relaxed into his arms. "How did you know?"

"About you loving Marius? Éponine, it was perfectly obvious."

I chuckled. "Was I really that bad at hiding it?"

He laughed. "Well, he was the only one who didn't notice it, the idiot."

I laughed weakly and laid my head on his shoulder. It had started to rain, which for some reason watching it always made me feel drowsy. I closed my eyes and sighed.

I don't know what made me say it. Maybe the confidence that he would say it back, since he began to stroke my hair. Maybe because of the look in his beautiful blue eyes before I collapsed into his shoulder the first time. But the words slipped out of my lips before I could stop them.

"I love you, Enjolras."

I had my eyes closed, but I could feel him smile for the first time. "I love you too, Éponine."

"And I love you two together," came a voice from behind us.

In a flash I was out of Enjolras's arms and standing beside his chair. "What are you doing here, Grantaire?"

He took a swig from his wine bottle and grinned. "I live here, remember?"

Enjonine One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now