Miss Smith of 27 Ocarina plaza loved the good things in life, and she really didn't care how she got it.
Men flocked to her, like moths to a flame, you see Miss Eugenie Smith just loved attention, most of all, attention from wealthy men. She loved the gifts they showered her with, fur coats, jewlery and all manner of little trinkets.Eugenie knew how to keep a man entertained, things their wives wouldn't do, you see she didn't mind that she had to have sex with them, playing the dutiful whore was worth all the little gifts these men gave her, but when all the gifts had been opened, and she had performed the way they liked it
and said their 'Goodnights and see you soon' she closed the door, and that is when Eugenie would throw away the mask she wore, for all the men and the attention.the feeling of shame would make her double up in pain, and she would cry, tear at her hair, slap herself, like mother used too.
she would walk up to the mirror and sit down in front of it and say the words over and over again
'You're nothing but a cheap whore' the voice of her mother pierced inside her brain. 'Daddy's little special girl' the voice of her father seeped inside her head, all those nights spent crying alone as Daddy had made her feel special, he always said 'You are so much better at it than your mother'Mrs Eugenie Smith of 27 Ocarina Plaza loved the good things in life, and she really didn't care how she got it.