[1] Typical Non-Beliving Drama Queen

790 27 20

(A/N: dedicated to @sourstiles because her rants and imagines give me lmao

and btw, stiles as a father makes me want to cry oml

another btw, the lyrics below is from the song kids by mgmt


❝You were a child. Crawling on your knees toward it. Making momma so proud, but your voice is too loud.❞


The bed squeaked as Hazel put her backpack on the bed. Of course, it was her favorite time of year once again; two days before the first day of school. Her notebooks were all laid out, her binders were sorted out in order by class, and her pens and pencils were already put into its pouch. If only she was as dedicated to her school work like she was with organizing her things on the night before the first day. However, that was gonna change this year. No more straight C's for Hazel because this is high school, and high school is when everything was going to change. Well, almost everything.

Hazel sighed, looking around the room for the one thing she knew she couldn't forget; her lanyard. Ever since she got a car key to put it on, she's been wearing it around her neck constantly. The only thing was, she didn't exactly have the car yet, so that meant Hazel had to deal with her dad driving her to school, or her best friends, Layla and Kaye, if she was lucky. This just left Hazel to persistently bug her father to when she would get her driver's license. His only answer was, "Soon."

Hazel laid down on the bed in frustration when she couldn't find her lanyard. "Daaad!" She called out, her voice drawing out.

No answer.

"Daaaaad!" She drew out longer this time.

Still no answer.

"Scott!" Her voice was stern as she became impatient, throwing her arms out and sprawling them across the bed. She soon heard heavy footsteps approaching from down the hall and soon enough her father opened the door. He stood with a phone in his hand, but it was pulled away from his ear and it seemed that he was still on the phone with someone.

"What Hazel?" Scott asked questionably, looking at her from the doorway as she kept herself planted on the bed to stare at the ceiling.

"Where's my lanyard with my keys?" Hazel asked, and she heard her father sigh.

"You left it downstairs on the table."

"Oh." She huffed, squinting her eyes and frowning. She picked up her head and looked toward her dad. "Could you go get it for me?"

"I'm not walking downstairs just to walk back upstairs to give you your lanyard." Scott said, standing up straighter as Hazel threw her head back down on the bed. "You have legs, so go use them."

Hazel groaned, grabbing her pillow and placing it on her face. Scott rolled his eyes and turned around, walking away. She heard him apologize to someone named 'Stiles' and then he mentioned what Hazel wanted, then he started to walk downstairs. Hazel sat up, rubbing her hands over her face until. She sighed when she saw her door was still open.

"Dad!" She yelled once again. Scott quickly yelled back to her that he was not tossing her lanyard up the stairs to her and said that she can take the opportunity to finally use her legs. Then when she yelled to him that he never closed her door, he called her a drama queen and to do it herself. Hazel finally stood up, trudging to the door. Before closing it, Scott yelled up to her once more.

"Hazel! Stiles says hi!"

Hazel twisted her face in confusion. "What's a Stiles?"


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