Part 12

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Hailey POV

Mrs. Davis smiled sweetly at her, her eyes twinkling gleefully as if they knew something that she didn't. 

"How are you Miss. Johnson?" Mrs. Davis asked. 

"I am fine, thank you. And you?" Hailey asked, trying hard to hide the apathy that she was feeling about the direction of their conversation. Surely a former client's wife would not call her to have 'small talk.'

A small giggle escaped Mrs. Davis' lips. " Your eyes are so expressive." She commented, making Hailey look away from her immediately. Someone had once told her that...someone she refused to think about at this moment. "You are wondering why I called you here. So direct." 

"I'm sorry if my- directness offends you. Forgive me but I can't help but wonder why you called me here." Hailey confessed, looking at Mrs. Davis closely. 

"Well." Mrs. Davis exhaled, pulling her chair closer to the circular table between them and leaning forward. "You are a brilliant woman. There is no denying that. Also you are powerful...." 

A warning alarm suddenly went off inside Hailey head. "Powerful? What does my power have to do with this conversation?" Hailey asked, raising a confused brow. If anything, she was the complete opposite from what people saw.... the position she now holds was forced upon her. If she had a choice, she would have been miles away from this world....Matthew's world. 

" Your power has everything to do with this conversation. You may not see it yet, but I can help you..." Mrs. Davis said.

"Help me?" Hailey asked as another warning went off in her head, making her stand from her seat. Resting both hands on the table, she leaned forward towards Mrs.Davis until she was sure that no one heard what she was about to say. "I don't know who you are. I don't care what 'power' you hold or how you can use it to help me. I never want to hear from or see you ever again." Hailey's eyes grew red with anger. The nerve of this woman! She knew nothing about her. Snatching her hand bag and coat from the back of her chair, she began walking towards the front door. 

"Wait!" Mrs. Davis called after her, standing from her chair as well. 

"What is it?" Hailey asked, stopping in her tracks and looking over her shoulder.

"You are exactly as Merry said you are." Mrs. Davis commented.

"W-what?" Hailey stammered as she blinked continuously, not believing her ears. Turning, she faced Mrs.Davis directly. "What did you say?"

"Merry." Mrs. Davis said cautiously, stepping away from her seat and walking towards Hailey, stopping before her. "She sent me to find you." 

Hailey's eyes searched Mrs. Davis eyes for any explanations.  "Who are you?" She asked, breathlessly.

Mrs. Davis smiled raising her hand to Hailey's shoulder. "A friend." 


 Scarlet POV

Hailey is in for a treat when she gets home.... If she thinks that she can get away with treating her this way, she is wrong. Walking up the stairs towards her room, she pushed her door open. As if on clock work, the front door opens, revealing a tired faced Hailey. A sly smile appeared on Scarlet's face. Everything was going as planned... Only one more thing must happen before the show begins...

Upon hearing Hailey's footsteps ascend the staircase, Scarlet shut the door quickly behind her so that Hayley could not notice her. Pressing her ear to the door, she waited until she heard Hailey's door closed. Opening her door just enough for her to make sure that Hailey was nowhere in sight, she closed her door again, walking towards her walk in closet. Opening it, she stood in front of her mirror, looking at her reflection with determination in her eyes. Reaching up to her right shoulder, she gripped a hand full of the thin grey shirt she love so much, making one sharp pull, ripping it. 

Turning her attention to her now bare shoulder, she knew she needed to make her story believable. Her eyes roamed around the room, for any object that can be useful, finally narrowing in on a small cupboard at the end of the closet. Walking over to it, she pulled it open, her eyes landing on just the thing she was looking for- A personal shaver. Reaching for the small object, she dropped it to the floor, lifting her feet and stomping on it until it was turned to pieces. Bending down she picked the sharp silver blade off the floor, walking back to the mirror. Her eyes glistened as she raised the blade to her shoulder. 

"This is for you my love." 

With a single swift motion, a thin line of blood began trailing down her shoulder until it disappeared under her shirt. Raising her hand again, she took a deep breath, clenching her jaw tightly as she felt the familiar sting of the blade cutting into her flesh again. Opening her eyes, she didn't know were closed, she loosened her grip on the blade, allowing it to slip out of her trembling hands.  

"Do what I say and you would get what you want.... " Syler had said. Is this what she really wanted?

Tilting her head slightly, she looked at her reflection once again, seeing a pale unrecognizable woman staring back of her with watery eyes. Did she really want to get what she wanted so badly that she would hurt herself? 

All of a sudden, a sound of a vehicle's engine dying alerted her senses once again, clearing her mind of doubts. Walking out of the closet, she made her way towards her window looking outside, a smile appearing on her face as her eyes fixated on the man she was doing this for. The man she loved.

With quickened steps she walked out of her front door, closing it behind her.

Show time....


Hailey POV

Today has been a hell of a day.... Her mind could not stop processing what Mrs. Davis had told her....

After Mrs.Davis had told her that she was 'A friend' she asked Hailey to meet her again, saying that she had to leave.... Hailey could not fight the feeling that somehow she could believe this woman was who she said she was.....but why now. After two years?

Standing from the bathtub, she stepped out onto the mat, wrapping herself into her fluffy pink robe and walking out into her bedroom. Strolling towards her bed, she sat at the end reaching for her lavender lation.

She had approximately half an hour before she had to pick Hayden up from school.... 

"Hailey!" Her fingers froze around the neck of the bottle as her body went numb. "Hailey!" Someone screamed again....that voice.....

"Scarlet!" Hailey's voice shook with fear as she leaped out of her bed and towards her room door. Pulling the door open, she sprinted towards the direction of Scarlet's voice. "Scar-" Her voice stopped abruptly as she saw what was happening in front of her....  

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