Prompt #6

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Prompt: Ezra and Rio get into a big argument and Rio says something that really upsets Ezra, Rio notices and apologizes and you can decide on the ending :)

"I'm so tired I can hear colors," I announced to Ezra.

"Isn't there a condition where people can see sounds as colors?" he said curiously.

"Synesthesia," I said, nodding. "But I don't think there's a condition where you can hear colors. Right now, your purple beanie is like a distressed beach whale."

Ezra laughed and slipped an arm around my waist. "Well, we can go get your spare glasses from Mitch and then you can take a nap. I'll just read or something while you sleep."

"That's not creepy at all. Let's go." I led him to my car and we got in together.

I had managed to leave my spare glasses at Mitch's house after spending all night binge gaming our way through all the acts in Diablo on torment. Now I was exhausted and down a pair of glasses.

But at least I still had my main pair. Ezra and I were supposed to hang out today, but I had a feeling I'd spend most of my time sleeping.

Though I was pretty sure Ezra was tired, too. Mitch and I had consumed a few...beverages...last night, and I'd found myself texting Ezra through the night. He'd stayed up just in case I needed a ride home.

I also knew that his parents had been fighting particularly worse last night. Ezra had texted me in the middle of the night crying and I'd had to calm him down. But he was acting like it hadn't happened today, his eyes begging for me not to bring it up. He would talk to me about it when he was ready to.

I parked in Mitch's driveway and the two of us got out of the car, heading inside together. I could hear Carol and Jasper arguing in the living room, and as Ezra and I walked upstairs, we glanced over curiously.

"No Jasper, that is not how you parent!" Carol was saying.

"I'm trying my best," Jasper whined. "But he used the sad face on me."

"That doesn't mean you let Shane take my damn car!" Carol cried. "I needed that to get to my mother's house!"

"You can take mine," Jasper offered. "Or you can just go hunt down the kid and kill it. Establish dominance so the younger one doesn't try anything in the future."

"I'm taking your car, I'm poisoning your food, and I'm giving the children away on Ebay," Carol said before heading into the kitchen.

Mitch got up off the couch and came over to us, my glasses in his hands. "My brother's car is in the shop and he suckered my dad into giving him the keys to my mom's car. My mom had plans for the day so she's not very happy."

"Well, it was nice knowing you," I said. "Maybe a cute boy will buy you off of Ebay."

"Whatever, at least my parents don't fight so seriously that I have to cry about it. I'm tired and I've got things to do before I nap. See you." Mitch punched my arm good naturedly before heading down the hallway to his room.

Ezra grabbed my wrist roughly, surprising me. He dragged me out of the house and shoved me, causing me to stumble back in the driveway.

"You told him about that?" Ezra demanded.

"Well, he was sitting next to me when you texted me," I said, rubbing the back of my neck. "I'm sorry, Ez."

"That's my business!" Ezra snapped. "Don't go around telling people any of that!"

I felt my own tired anger rising. "It's not like I go up to people and say 'Hi I'm Rio Snyder and my boyfriend cries at night because his parents fight'."

Ezra blushed heavily, glaring at me. "I can't believe you told Mitch, you asshole."

"He's not going to tell anyone! And he was asking me what was wrong! I was tired, I had alcohol in me, and I didn't mean to just let it slip!" I said.

"Whatever. Whatever, you know what, I'm going home," he said, moving away from me.

"Oh boo fucking hoo your life sucks, get over it and quit acting like a fucking child!" I cried angrily.

Ezra didn't turn around, but I saw his shoulders slump and his hands tremble. Guilt smashed into me with so much force that I could've crumbled away on the spot.

"Hey," I said gently, moving over and slipping my arms around his waist, hugging him to my body. "Hey, I didn't mean that. I shouldn't have said that. I'm really sorry, Ezra. I know you have it hard. I know it hurts you. I know I'm an asshole and my brother should've pushed me out of a window more often. I really didn't mean it. I'm angry and tired and I spoke without thinking."

Ezra was shaking, but he placed one of his hands over mine. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice shaky. "I overreacted. I'm just still upset from last night and I'm tired too."

I turned him, feeling absolutely terrible when I saw him fighting back tears. I pulled him into my arms, hugging him so tightly that I was worried I might actually hurt him.

But Ezra hugged me back just as tight. He sniffled and struggled to get himself under control as I held him to me.

"Stay at my house tonight," I said, kissing his shoulder. "Please. You need to get away from them for a night. I promise I'll never tell Mitch again. I'll never tell anyone. I never should've. It's not my business to tell."

"I don't care if Mitch knows," Ezra mumbled, rubbing at his eyes and pulling away from me. "Really, he's your best friend and you trust him. I'm sorry I got mad at you."

"I'm sorry I yelled at you." I pulled him close and he leaned forward, kissing me.

"Can we go back to your house, please? I think I need a nap too." He gave me a weak smile. "Little sparks, little fires, little burns."

But I never wanted to burn him. I reached out and took his hand in mine, squeezing it. We could go nap at my house and tonight I would make it up to him somehow. I hated fighting with Ezra.

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