Prompt #3

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Prompt: Can you do a prompt of what was going through Hank's head when he hugged and then attacked Rio in the latest chapter of Just A Spark (14)?


                I laid on Rio’s bed, my eyes shut. He had curled up in his chair with a book, and we were silent. I was so exhausted, but my mind wouldn’t slow down enough to sleep.

                Heroin, heroin, heroin, heroin, heroin, heroin, heroin

                I had to do something, I had to get a fix, I had to get heroin, I had to get something. My body was screaming for something, anything, and this was my chance. My parents were asleep and my brother was on his own.

                Don’t do it, don’t use Rio, he’s just a kid, but heroin, heroin, get heroin, get out of this house, heroin


                He jumped a little and looked over at me. “What?”

                I sat up and shot him a desperate look. Maybe he would take my side this time. “Rio, do you love me?”

                Suspicion rose in his eyes, because mom and dad had turned him into their bitch, they had taken Rio from me, and now he was on their side. “This is very romantic, but I’m not into incest.”

                “Rio, please, let me out of the house. Just for an hour. You don’t have to tell mom and dad. Please,” I said, praying he would just take my side. He didn’t have to be against me like mom and dad were. He could help me.

                “Why? So you can have sex and shoot up with heroin?” A dark look began to rise in his eyes.

                He shouldn’t look so dark, it’s my fault, he’s right, but god I don’t care, I don’t care about sex or Rio, I just want my heroin

                “Please Rio.” My voice was a whimper. “It hurts so bad. I can’t stand it anymore. I need something. Please, please, please, just let me out of the house for an hour. I won’t tell mom and dad. I promise.”

                “I’m not doing that, Hank,” he said. He was on their side, he was my brother but he was their son, and he was against me.

                “Rio, come on, you’re my brother. Don’t you care about me? Do you want to see me in pain like this?” I pleaded.

                His expression said that he wasn’t going to change his mind, though. He watched me through his glasses, and I realized what my only chance would be.

                I stood up, going over to him, watching him tense up. I put my arms around him and he froze before hugging me back, his arms tight around me.

                “Hank, I’m sorry,” he said, his voice quiet. “I’m so sorry.”

                But it was a lie, I knew it was a lie. He wasn’t on my side anymore. He was against me, and my parents were against me.

                “Rio,” I said.

                He started to look up, and I took my chance. My hand shot out and I yanked his glasses off, throwing them against the opposite wall.

                I threw Rio to the floor and made a run for his window. I shoved it up and was about to swing myself over it when I felt him tackle me at the waist, holding me to the floor as we fell together.

                “Get off of me!” I snarled and began to punch him, to punch the damn traitor, and I was so angry and my body was on fire and Rio wouldn’t help me, why wouldn’t he just help me, so here, take another punch you traitorous little shit, fucking take another punch.

                “I hate you!” I snapped, glaring at him, hitting him harder.

                “I’ll yell for mom and dad,” he threatened, proving that he was their little bitch, that they had stolen him from me.

                “You’re a little shit! I hate you! You fucking brat! I hate you, and mom, and dad!” And oh god did I mean that, did I mean that with my whole damn being.

                “Why? Because you love heroin so much?” he demanded.

                “I’d give up all of you in a heartbeat for drugs,” I said coldly.

                This is what it does to you Rio, don’t do it, don’t do drugs, I’m sorry, you’re my brother, you’re their son, they stole you, god my head hurts, and they stole you from me, I hate you, I hate you, why’d you let them steal you from me, why do you all hate me so damn much

                I threw him off of me and sprang up. I kicked him as hard as I could before hurrying towards the window again. I had to get out of here and get something in me, it had been far too long since my last fix, I was going crazy and I couldn’t take it anymore.

                I felt Rio’s hand close around my ankle, and then he was yanking me. I crashed to the floor and winced before trying to kick him off of me.

                But then the door flung open and I felt anger pour into me as dad grabbed me, pulling me away from Rio, his arms around me to hold me back. Rio laid on the ground, looking up blindly.

                “Rio, are you okay?” dad asked, his voice frantic.

                Rio said up and rubbed his side. “I can’t see.”

                “Where are your glasses?” dad asked.

                “Dad, seriously, did you miss the part where I said I can’t see? I don’t know where they are. I think they’re on the other side of my room.” I glared at him, hatred pumping through me, hatred for him and my parents. I had been so damn close.

                Dad pulled me over to where Rio’s glasses were. He handed them to Rio, and Rio put them on and looked up at me.

                “Come on,” dad said, trying to get me out of the room.

                “Piece of shit!” I spat, hating him for this, for turning his back on me.

                “Hank, please, he’s just doing what we ask him to,” dad said gently, as if I didn’t already know that Rio was their bitch.

                “Fuck you.” I yanked my arm out his grip and shoved him away from me when he tried to touch me.

                “Hank, you’re tired. You didn’t sleep last night. You need to sleep,” he said, proving that he could only tell me what I already knew. But I couldn’t sleep. My body was screaming for a fix.

                “I need a fix,” I growled. “That’s what I need. Yo assholes claim you’re doing this to help, but you just make it so much worse. Do you know what it feels like? It feels like I’m on fire, every second of every day, and it’s hell!”

                Dad looked at me with broken eyes. Good, I hope you hurt, because it’s nothing compared to the torture I feel, and it’s your fault, your damn fault.

                Dad wrestled me out of Rio’s room and into my bedroom. I collapsed on my bed, curling up and trembling, punching dad when he tried to rub my back.

                Fuck you Rio, I was so close, I could’ve gotten a fix, I could have ended this torment, fuck you Rio, I hate you, I hate all of you, I just want a fix

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