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I hate this. I hate that. It’s just so damn hard. Everything is so hard and difficult. Every freaking year I have to change schools. Like why? I can’t have or make friends. I just don’t want to move anymore. I want to stay put. Not move every year. Life is un-fair it truly is.

“Damon if you don’t come down here now…I will remove myself.” Dad is you’re the reason we are moving…why can’t I stay here with mom? I know when I was little I was Daddy’s Princess, but I am Mommy’s Angel now. I don’t want to go with that man who I call father. I hear him coming up the stairs, and I wanted to hide. I just stayed frozen to the floor crying my eyes out. “It can be the easy way, or the hard way. Your choice.” I felt my hands wrap around the bed post. I tighten the grip when my Dad came closer. “Guess the hard way.” I was being thrown over my Dad shoulders. Why should I be leaving? “You make everything so difficult.”

YES BECAUSE I AM THE ONE BEING DIFFCULT. I tried to fight, but there really isn’t any use. I did once before…and I am not going there again. He placed me into the passenger seat…well place isn’t the word. More like pushed is.

Why can’t my life be normal? Like my whole family is messed up.

I had a brother named Charlie. He had something wrong with him….every full moon he would cry for help. My Dad would lock him the freezer. My Dad warned me not to be like him, or I would be put into the freezer. Charlie died two months ago. I don’t know what happened exactly, but I do know something. My Dad had to be taken apart in his killing, that’s for damn sure. I love Charlie so much. He protected me from my Dad. I know how to fight, because Charlie showed me when I was ten. That was almost six years ago. Six years ago when my Dad started to beat me. He showed me for a reason, but I never put that reason to good use before. I don’t think I will. Maybe in the future, I will though.

My car engine interrupted my thoughts. We started to drive away, and I could feel my life be torn once again. Charlie always used to say “Maybe this will be a restart at a new life.” I didn’t believe him, but I think once more, and maybe this is a new start. Hopefully my feelings were right….I didn’t want to be wrong. I wanted to be right one time in life. Maybe this time I was right. You never know.

I felt strong arms around me. The cold wing brushed my face, and I was being put down. I felt the ground being rough and dried. I tossed around to find the right position, and I felt someone breathing over me. I picked through my eyes, and I found my brother looking down at me.


“Wake up.”

What? This is a dream.

“Wake up Damon.”

You’re kidding right. What a stupid dream.

“DAMON WAKE UP.” I felt someone shove me. I peeked at the moon being full of light.

What was I doing in the woods? Where the hell is my Dad? Where am I?

I tried to balance myself, and I tried to push myself up, but the air was too thick. I shut my eyes for a few seconds, and I was out like a light.

My body was being lifted as my eyes stayed shut.

“Charlie stop. I want to sleep.”

Charlie kept on walking and walking. I tried to push myself away from Charlie, but I find myself rolling down a hill. I tried to tuck in my face from getting hit by sticks and thorns. Make it stop. Make the pain stop. Make everything stop. 


I finally reached the end of the hill, and I looked up to see the road.


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