Chapter 1~ welcome home

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~ I got out the car and headed inside

Mom: see that wasn't bad now was it (*sat purse down and opens fridge*$

~ you see I live with my mom now and after the whole jail sistutaion . Come to find out she dates this famous foot ball player that explained the huge house she lived in. On top of that my mom worked in the csi and was also a lawyer. I've been staying here for a while.

Mom: (*sat her bags down off to the side and opened the fridge*) kaliyah honey you should have gotten you more than a shirt you know I could have payed for it

Me: it's ok mom I'm fine with this (*i took my bag and threw it in my room my mom was such a shopaholic *)

Mom: (*checked watch*) well I should get going we have a busy schedule on our hands

Me: yea me to (*i grabbed my car keys*)

Mom: *sigh* kayliah your better than that why wont you just quit your job and come get a job down at the office with me

Me: mom you know my school hours won't fit in!

~ you see I decided to get a job, I've been working at mc Donald's for a while on top of that my mom forced me to go to college and study criminal justice she says I'm getting better than her

Mom: well ok then (*heads out the door*)

Me: (*i walk out and get into my car that of course my mothers boyfriend got for me and drove off to work*)

- when I arrive I punch in my card and take my place at the cash register

Me: hi welcome to mc Donald how may I help you (*i fill out orders and move on to the next customer*)

~ working at mc Donald's wasn't all that bad, it took a lot of time out my day to be away from the house and I was making decent money, who was I to complain. Once I finished work I was Smelling like burgers I head Into the girls bathroom an I change and head out the door off To school I parked my car in the parking lot and took off to class

Teacher: and today class we will discuss the legal and Unlegal laws of the government

- I took a seat mid way and let out a giant breath of relief, I here giggles behind me and I turn around and of course see Khail and his (( crew ))

Teacher: if an officer tells a person that he has a right to an aturnry and they come knockin at your door run!

Class: lol

Teacher: now students let's talk about the laws of the road, I know I know but I'm sure everyone is legal to drive right? Great great (*turns to the board and begins to write*)

- I sat there and took notes when I felt paper balls hit my head and back

Me: oh how mature (* I continued writing and once again a rain storm of papers I turned around*) Ayee if you pin heads would be so kind To stop throwing paper balls at me you toddlers!!

Teacher: ms Kaliyah maybe you would like to answer the question

Me: 0.0 (* I turn around To see staring eyes*) what was that?

Teacher: (*folds arms*) name a family reason why a person could have there drivers linces suspended

Me: we'll the only answer to that is child support if failed to pay of course which I'm pretty sure Khail and his posses couldn't possibly afford

- the class ooed

Teacher: correct and..... Correct :) (*turned back around*)

Me: (*i looked back and smirked at Khail*)

*bells rings*

Teacher: class dismissed

- I took off out the class to my locker

When of course some one was trailing behind (*i opened my locker when a figure appeared beside me*)

Me: (*rolls eyes and puts books in locker*) what do you want Khail

Khail: dang girl what's the rush

Me: (*i slam my locker door and head down the hall with Khail following behind*)

Khail: why are you so tense you need To learn how To loosen up!

Me: Khail what do you want! Just leave me alone

Khail: why don't you just ask your mom to get you a room here so you spend more time with me

Me: ew

Khail: matter of fact we can share dorms (*smirks*)

Me: first of all I would never sleep with you, you nasty terp

Khail: (*slams me onto a wall near a list of rules that had quite sex crossed out to say loud typical*) awww you giving me nick names how cute

Me: ~.~

Khail: you should stop trying To play hard to get love (*leans in close to my ear*) you know u want me (* he kisses my neck*)

Me: ewww (*i push him off of me and escape to the door out side*)

Khail: so how about that offer?!!!

Me: never in your natural born life Khail!!! (*i yelled back*)

Khail: lol (*closes door and walks to class*)

My love for a thug ~ Jacob Latimore storyWhere stories live. Discover now