I sat up and gasped I looked around the room and heard my alarm go off
Me: ughhh (*i cut It off and slugged into the bathroom*)
Mom: morning sleepy head
Me: (*sits at counter*) what happen
Mom: (*eating cereal and reading a newspaper*) I don't know you tell me
Me: I'm so tired (*puts bread in the toaster*)
Mom: well u better get going or your gonna be late
Me: :/ (*i grab my mc Donald hat and head off To work*)
~ I sat in the back And swept the floor I was so tired I ended up falling asleep in a chair
Dream * ~
Girl: oh..... Kaliyah
Me: wha?
Girl: my name is Kaliyah
Me: oh .. Umm Jacob
- we sat in slience
Kaliyah: so what u think we gonna do?
Me: I don't know first (*i stood up*) we need to find where we are and how we gonna get out of this mess
Kaliyah: (*stood up*) umm ok
- we began walking
Kaliyah: so where do you think we are?
Voice: kaliyah , Kaliyah
Dream over~
Me: what wat
Worker: Kaliyah you fell asleep
Me: Ohh (*stood up*)
Worker: what happen to u party to much?
Me: no just umm up late that's all
Worker: we'll u better get back to work
Me: yea right (* I sat the broom off to the side*)
My mind: man I gotta see him
Teacher: and that class is how you figure out the basic of finger prints
*bell rings*
Teacher: you have an essay about chapter 15 due 2 weeks from now I recommend u start now!
~ I walk out the class as I was bumped and my books fell out my hands. I bent down to pick them up when I looked up I saw Khail blow me a kiss with out his hand
Me: I swear I can't stand that jerk (*i headed off to my locker*)
My love for a thug ~ Jacob Latimore story
RomanceWARNING: You might wanna read crash landing in order to understand this story :) Being in love with a thug isn't all flowers and roses. Especially when this thug put u in jail! Kaliyah and Jacob are at it again, despite the crash, they come...