Chapter 12 ~ Used to be

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I left the college after class and headed back home for the day I walked in with my back facing the living room

Voice: where have you been

Me: hey mom

- she sat in a chair with her arms folded

Mom: answer my question

Me: oh unmm I went out skating with some friends and just spent the night

No big deal

Mom: no big deal! I had to stay here with the jail Brodie while u go out and party! He Is your responsibility not mine

Me: sorry

Mom: deal with it ! (*gets up and goes into her room and slam the door*) *sigh*

- gets up an goes into the the guess room to see Jacob laid out in the bed with basketball shorts on and white socks no shirt. He was laided on his stomach. I went in and sat on the side of the bed.

Jacob: (mumbling) oh hey Kaliyah where u been?

Me: Jacob where was u last night! I called your phone about a million times

Jacob: (mumbling) Ohh that was you

Me: Jacob are you listening to me (*hears snoring, gets up and pulls Jacob out the bed*)

Jacob: what what!! Dang girl if you wanted this that bad you could have asked!

Me: Jacob just stop! Ok you don't listen to me or any thing!! Maybe this was a bad idea

Jacob: look Kaliyah I told you it's gonna take some time. Dang what happen to the ride or die Kaliyah that I knew ( starts straighten up the bed)

Me: that was the old me Jacob!!! Thats who I used to be! Ok I changed ! And you know what I was only that person because you changed me!! That wasn't who I was before that was just the image you created for me!! What about u! I miss the young you not this crapy junkie

Jacob: 0.0 -.- you wasn't complaining when I hit it though

Me: you know what!! Ughhhh I wish I never met you!!! (walks out house and slams door)

- Kaliyah mom walks in the room with her arms crossed and leaned on the door as Jacob mumbled some things and cleaning up the bed

Mom: what happen

Jacob: (*jumped up and turned around*) oh you scared me

Mom: look Jacob I wasn't so fond about the idea of you being here or coming here, but one thing I can say is Kaliyah really feels some kind of way for you. Now I know I wasn't there when you know the incident happen, (*walks and picks up pictures on the dresser*) And I've been think of rather I should take the time out and say thank you or disgrace you from putting her in hell

Jacob: well you haven't like me so some praising would be nice I mean I did get her right :) (*mom gives straight face while jacob laughs*) oh sorry

Mom: but one thing I do know is you need to get your self together! Not because of me and maybe not because of your self, but she changed for you so maybe you should change for her (*walks out the room and into the kitchen as Jacob follows her*)

Jacob: but how that girl is never satisfy! Not now not then not ever!

Mom: have you ever though about college

Jacob :0 college! Are u serious

What do you even do there

Mom: you study and learn about subjects to help you find a decent career

Jacob: wait career as in job the big J O B

Mom: yes that's what I mean. Find something u like to study. Maybe instead of running from the law you could help inforce it

Jacob: wait what u mean?

Mom: why don't you take criminal justice with Kaliyah maybe this will give you time To straighten up your act and change for the better. I'll enroll you! You can start Monday

Jacob: (*watched as she left the room*) wait wait Monday ?!


- after I left for a while I came home and sat on the front porch as my mom walked out to talk to me

Me: leave me alone (*head in knees*)

Mom: I think this would be the perfect time to gloat and say I told you so?!

Me: look ok I get it you told me he wouldn't be no good! He would run me out the door and rob me of my time. Lesson learned

Mom: yes well I'm glad you listened to me but that's not what I came to talk to you about.

Me: what then (lifts head)

Mom: I talked to Jacob

Me: what mom where's Jacob?

Mom: inside

Me: I'm shocked you didn't take his head off even more shock that you could say five words to him other than get out my house fool!

Mom: no .... Well actually I had a knife hidden in my back pocket but you know! (*i sigh and put my head back in my knees*) but you know I told him that maybe he could go an get an education take a class with you

Me: yeah right like he would actually go!

Mom: I don't know he might or he might not but if he do I know he's doing it for you

Me: yeah right (*sees Jacob pull up in a car and get out*) I thought you said he was inside?

Mom: wha he was! (*looks out the car*) and he took my car (*gets up*) I think making him take this class will just help him become more sneaker now that he will know the law! (*smacks head*) I'm so dumb (*opens door*) boy do I hate my life right now

- Jacob walks up to the front steps with flowers and sits next to me. We were silent a moment when he handed me the flowers

Jacob: got you flowers

Me: -.-

Jacob: (*sits flowers off to the side*) look Kaliyah I know you might not wanna talk to me but...

Me: Jacob save the sob story ok. My mom was right I was dumb trusting that you would be better any way (*gets up but Jacob pulls me back down*)

Jacob: look ok it's hard to just throw your self out there on someone, yes I treated you different back then because I was stuck with you and felt bad because I put u threw crap but you took me this time so your gonna have to put up with me just as I put up with you! And ayye if it works it works if not then just send me on my way. But give it time ok? (*pats my leg and gets up and goes inside*)

Me: ok

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