Mean Boys - Janoskians FanFic

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So this is just for shits and giggles coz i'm bored. It's like Mean Girls, but instead it's Mean Boys... ha enjoy ;)


James' POV

I walked into school for the first time ever, glancing at the sign that read Penola Catholic College. Being 17 and never ever stepping foot into a proper school before is pretty daunting, especially when I don't know anyone at all. As I was walking, no one seemed to noticed me, which made me feel even more awkward than I already was.

"Oi!" I heard someone call out. I turned around and saw a guy waving me down. "You're new yeah?" I nodded. "Um, yeah, first day ever at school." He looked at me weirdly. "Wait, wait, what?" "I've been home schooled all my life." He laughed. "OH! That makes sense. I'm Daniel." He held out his hand and gave me a bro hug. "James."

He lead me to my locker, and helped me with all my books and stuff. "What do you have first?" I checked my timetable. "Uh, math." He groaned. "Damn it, I have English." I shrugged. "I'm sure you have other friends." He nodded. "Ha, true."


After math, I met Daniel at my locker, and he showed me the way to to the canteen. "I need to show you who to hang out with." I frowned. "Um, why?" He snickered. "Trust me, hanging out with the wrong people is social suicide." I nodded. "Okay then."

We walked into the canteen, and stood looking at all the groups sitting at the tables. Daniel pointed out all the groups, varying from the jocks, to the nerds, washouts to the Asians. He lead me over to the corner, where some guys and girls were sitting. "We, are the normal ones." He said with a smirk, greeting me to some guys, Tyla seeming the friendliest. "He's almost too gay to function." Daniel said about Tyla.

I sat down, and saw a group that he didn't point out, 3 of them, sitting alone in the middle of the canteen, no one daring to sit with them, let alone look at them. "Who are they?" I pointed to them, one of the catching my gaze, and staring at me like I was a piece of shit on his shoe. "Don't fucking point!" Daniel hissed, shoving my hand down. "You'll kill fairies, and yourself!"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean?" He motioned with his head to the 3 boys. "They are the Brooks, Beau, Luke and Jai." I nodded. "They literally own this school, okay? They are playing assholes who don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. If you get on their wrong side they will squash you like a bug." "And I just pointed directly at them." He shrugged. "I'll give you a low down on each of them."

He pointed to the one closest to us. "That's Luke. He's the sassy and cocky one, sleeping with a new girl literally every night. He's kinda stupid, but it's all an act, he's a smart mother fucker that could destroy your whole life with a single look." I gulped, seeings as he was the one that saw me pointing. "How?" "As I said, he's smart, he'll find a way to rip apart your social life, he always does. He's caused mental breakdowns for students and teachers. Don't, and I mean don't fuck with him."

He then motioned to the one on the other side. "That's Jai, Luke's twin. He's kinda the nicer one, but is still a prick. He's smart, and does whatever he wants, whenever he wants." I glanced over slightly, and saw him flirting with a girl. "He's not much of a tool, he likes to just play around with girls, but at the end of the day he settles with Ariana, the red headed one staring at him." I saw a pretty girl looking at Jai in awe, that must be Ariana.

Then he motioned to the one in the middle, his intimidating green eyes piercing straight into my own. "That's Beau, the older brother and ring leader. He's the worst out of the lot, as in getting the most girls, getting into fights, making about 20 students move schools because he looked at them the wrong way." I gulped, knowing he was looking at me like that now. "He gets what he wants, whenever he wants, he practically rules year 12, and the whole school. He's the definition of evil." The look in Daniel's showed he wasn't messing around. "We used to be mates but, something came up so, yeah we're not anymore."

"You're in year 12?" I asked. He nodded. "Anyway, so Luke and Jai are in your year, and Beau is in mine. Stay away from them, if they ask you for something, give it to them, they will ruin you if you disobey." I gulped. "Well-one-of-them-is-coming-over-here-right-now." I spoke quickly, getting nervous.

Daniel looked up, and followed my gaze, seeing Jai walking over to our table. "You new?" He asked, leaning on the table, blowing a bubble from his chewy. "Yeah." I said, feeling my palms sweating. "You seem awkward." I nodded. "I've never been to a real school before." He tilted his head. "What?" "I was homeschooled." He looked confused. "What?" "I was taught-" "Yeah I know what homeschooling is i'm not fucking retarded."

I looked down. "So this is your first time at an actual school, and your in my year?" I nodded. "Fuck off!"" I stared at him. "Wh-" "Fuck off!" I bit my lip. "I'm not anywhere near you." He shrugged, picked up my food tray and walked over to his table. "Come, sit with us." The whole canteen gasped, everything going silent. I looked at Daniel, he was just pretending to slice his neck with his hand. I slowly walked over, Daniel giving me a you're-screwed look.

I sat down, the canteen going back to normal. "I'm Beau, this is Jai and Luke, my little brothers." I nodded. "I know-" "Because Daniel told you, yeah, he's a dog." Beau cut me off, taking a sip of his red bull. "You're James, who was homeschooled." How did he know that. He snickered. "Jai told me dumbass, i'm not magical." I laughed awkwardly.

"So, we were wondering if you wanted to hang around with us for the week, seeings as your new and all." Jai said. "Yeah, and this hardly happens much so consider yourself lucky." Luke said, staring at me like I was food, instantly making me uncomfortable. "Oh, no, I wouldn't want to-" "Great, now, we have rules for people who hang with us, got it?" Beau said, looking at my clothing. "One, your uniform can't be that neat." I looked down at myself, maybe I was tucked in a little, but I looked fine. "Untuck your shirt, undo your top button, and loosen your tie."

I did that, they all smirked. "Two, you have to not work hard in class, we have a reputation to live by." Great, mum never accepts below a B. Yeah, I kinda am smart, and like homework, so that rule would be hard. "Three, one Wednesdays, we were snapbacks." I nodded. "Is that all?" They shrugged. "Yep, now go, and remember, tomorrow is Wednesday so-" "Snapback, got it."


"What did they say?" Daniel asked nervously, walking out of school with me. I explained everything, he just laughed. "On Wednesdays we were snapnacks? What the fuck you have to tell me everything, alright?" I nodded. "It's only for a week." I reassured myself, walking home.


I'm laughing why am I writing this!!

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