Chapter 4

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(A/N I changed little parts in the story so you might wanna read this

again yalla)

James' POV

"What does this do?" Daniel pointed to the powder I had in my hands, that I slid into a 'protein shake'. "It's called Calteen Powder, makes you gain weight like crazy." He laughed. "And let me guess, that's a protein shake?" I winked, and shook the cup, placing it my bag. "Hope he's thirsty."


I handed Beau the cup. "What's this?" I shrugged. "Just a protein shake, I know how you like to stay fit and shit so-" "Yeah yeah whatever." He mumbled, taking a swing of it. I glanced at Daniel, who just held in a laugh.

Beau wiped his mouth and burped. "Fuck that's good, do you have more?" I passed him the cup of power that had all protein and shit on it. It surprised me how easy it was to fool him. "Just mix it with water and take it everyday, my uh, dad uses it and has lost heaps of weight." He smirked. "Thanks man." He smiled, and finished off the cup.

I had English with Kaitlyn again, which I was happy but upset about. I sat down in my usual seat, Kaitlyn in hers, not speaking for a little while. "So i'm sorry about what happened at the party." I shrugged. "It's Beau, what can you do." She giggled. "Hey, um, I was wondering, uh, would you like my number or?" I felt my cheeks flushing. "Uh, sure." We exchanged numbers, her winking and turning around. Oh wow.

Beau's POV

I saw James walking alone near the oval, staring at the cheerleaders, Kaitlyn being one of them. I slammed on the brakes, Luke spilling his milk shake everywhere, and Jai almost knocking himself out with his phone. I honed the horn, catching James' attentions. "GET IN LOSER WE'RE GOING SHOPPING!"

He hastily walked over, chuckling at Luke's face, who's mouth was gaped open at the ammount of milk covering, well, everywhere. "Do you have more of that powder stuff." I asked, speeding off, ignoring the speed limit. "Yeah." He handed me the powder, me carefully mixing it in my water whilst driving.

"WATCH OUT!" Jai shouted, me looking up, swerving out of the way of an old lady. "FUCKING HAG GET OFF THE ROAD!" I screamed, putting on the lid and taking a swing at the drink. I moaned. "Damn that's good." I mumbled, turning up the stereo.


"You need better clothes dude." I said, looking James up and down. "You look like a nerd." Jai snickered. "You're name should be Eugene!" (A/N See what I did there) We all chuckled, even James. He's blending in well, I guess, apart from the Kaitlyn thing he's pretty cool.

I walked into a shop, the boys following me like lost puppies. I grabbed heaps and heaps of clothes and chucked them at James. "Try them on, we don't have to be home for a while." He walked into a stall, me grabbing a shirt and stepping into my own.

I unbuttoned my shirt, and glanced at my body, seeing me loosing some definition. Weird. I know James said not to work out on this diet he put me on, but I can't loose these bad boys. "OI!" I banged the wall of James' stall. "Yeah?" "Where the fuck have my abs gone I look like a fat ass."

He stayed quiet. "That's what the powder does. You bloat, and then bam, you're fit." I looked down at my abs, tracing what was once there. "It takes a little while, don't worry about it." I cursed under my breath. "You better be right!" I shouted, throwing a clothes hanger over, hearing impact and laughing.

James' POV

I looked at myself in the mirror. I actually looked like Beau, Luke and Jai. I had skinnies on, an American football jacket, vans and a snap back. "I look like you." I mumbled, patting down my clothing. "Yeah, just that will get you far." Luke said, pushing me out of the store, eyeing Beau slightly.

I was right about Luke and Jai ganging up on Beau. They aren't really as close anymore, just put on an act, that could have fooled me. Daniel definitely was right. They may be tools, but they are fucking smart. What am I saying? This isn't the real world, this is guy world, all the fighting has to be sneaky, or the fist fights will happen, that isn't really a bad thing to watch.


We arrived at the Brooks' house, there house being smaller than I imagined it. "I like your house." Beau shrugged. "It's shit ya lier." He mumbled, walking inside, Luke and Jai following. I was met by a middle aged woman. "Hey boys, and, friend?" Beau disappeared down the hallway, me introducing myself. "I'm Gina, their mother." She smiled, pointing the way to the bedrooms.

I arrived at what was probably the twins room, as they had bunk beds. "Did you notice her boob job?" Beau asked. My eyes widened. "What?" "Mum got a boob job, she gets upset if you don't notice it." I smiled awkwardly. "Um, on the way out, I uh, yeah." Luke scoffed. "Don't you dare check out my mums tits dude." I threw my hands up.

I can't win with these guys.

I was looking around the room, then saw this black book on the shelf. I walked over, grabbing it. "What's this?" They all laughed. "Our burn book." I raised an eyebrow. "What is it?" Jai grabbed it and opened it, a sly smirk on his face. "We write shit about people in our year, have a look."

I looked through the pages, stopping at Daniel's name. "Daniel Gayounie?" Beau laughed. "Genius." He muttered. I was about to read it when I thought better of myself. "Better not." I said to myself. I read through more of the book. "Jack Biggens cries his way through sex? Leon Smith is a fat virgin? What the hell why would you write this?" They shrugged. "It's funny."

"Wanna add something James?" They handed me a photo of Tyla. "Oh, him, he's almost too gay to function." They all smirked. "Go on then, add it." I hesitated. Maybe it was only funny when Daniel said it?


Sorry for the VERY late update!!

And i've muddled up some parts of the story but that's how I want it okay :D

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