Chapter 2

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James' POV

I walked into my English class, adjusting my bulls snapback, and sitting in the back of the class alone. I heard the door open, and the most beautiful girl I had ever seen walked through the door. Her grey eyes sparkled, and her long brown hair bounced on her shoulder as she sat in front of me, smiling slightly as she saw me.

After a little while of work, she turned around and asked for help. "Oh, uh, you just do this." I explained how to do the question, and introduced myself. "I'm James." She smiled, could she get anymore gorgeous. "Kaitlyn." She replied.


I walked into the canteen, Daniel waving me down, looking like he was thinking, then pointed to the 'players' as he called them, and started talking to Tyla again. I sat down opposite Luke and Jai, Beau no where to be seen. "Uh, where's-" "He got wasted last night and is probably still sleeping." Jai said, probably knowing what I was about to ask.

Luke had a goofy smirk on his face. "Found any hot chicks yet?" I smiled at the thought of her. "Ooh, he has." Jai cooed. "Her name?" I looked at them both. "Kaitlyn." Luke spat out the coke he was drinking. "Holy fuck! As in Kaitlyn Hoban?" He shouted. I nodded. "Yeah, so?"

Jai's face flashed with worry. "She's Beau's ex girlfriend, he fucking loved her more than anything, he wasn't a player with her around. But she dumbed him a couple of months ago." Luke nodded. "He's still all weird about it." I shrugged. "What does that have to do with me?" Luke scoffed. "You can't date old ex's dude, that's like the rules of manism." "Yeah, bros before hoes." Damn it.

I tried and tried to get Kaitlyn out of my head but I couldn't. I could now see why Beau wanted her badly, she gorgeous, inside and out. I sound like a girl but I don't care, I really like Kaitlyn Hoban, who just happens to be Beau Brooks' ex girlfriend.


We were walking around the shopping centre, we as in me, Beau, Luke and Jai, who indeed, had there snapbacks on. "Why are we here?" I asked, seeing Daniel in a shop with Tyla, him pulling a face at me. "To pick up chicks duh." I laughed. "What? How can you just pick up chicks? Aren't they all scared of you?"

They stopped, and stared at me. "Look at us." Jai said, all of them pulling up there shirts, showing abs and tattoos. "We don't have to ask, ladies love this shit." Luke added. "They can't resist us, but I don't blame them." Beau said cockily, pulling down his shirt and started to walk again.

"Isn't that Madi, with Dylan?" Beau said, nudging Luke in the ribs. I looked across at the foot court, and saw a pretty Brunette with a surfer looking guy. "Oh, uh, l-look, don't worry about it." Luke stuttered, trying to lead Beau away. "No one fucks around with my baby brother." He mumbled, whipping out his phone, and dialing someone. "Who are you call-" "Dylan, shh." He hissed.

"Hello?" A guy, obviously Dylan, spoke through the phone. Beau smirked. "Hello, um, this is the Royal Melbourne hospital how are you today sir?" What was he about to do? "Good, why are you calling?" "Oh, just to tell you that your parents have been in an accident and may not make it. I suggest you get here now." I looked over, and saw Dylan, rushing out of the food court, leaving a confused and upset Madi. "You're welcome." Beau smirked, Luke walking off to Madi. "Harsh." I muttered under my breath.

We eventually ended up out of the city, and at a park, where heaps of popular people were. "Hey Beau." A girl slurred, stumbling over and trying to kiss him. "You're stoned and ugly, piss off." Jai muttered, shoving her away. "Thanks bro." We walked over and sat down, all of us getting handed a beer. "So there's a valentines party tonight at slutty Kellie's, you in?" I shook my head. "I'm not really into parties." Luke shrugged. "Fine, miss out on hot sex, it's your fault."

Beau suddenly grabbed my arm and lead me away. "Look, I know you like Kaitlyn." He spoke, staring at me. I gulped. "Yeah, well, look i'm so-" "I'll talk to her for you if you want?" Wait, what? "Uh, yeah, okay, when." He smirked. "At Kellie's party tonight that you WILL be at." I sighed. "Fine, what time?"


It was about 7 when there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" I called, knowing it would be the boys. Don't even ask, they like me to call them that. "Oh, will it be a girl!" Rita, my sister laughed, running to the door before me. "I wouldn't." I warned. She shrugged. "Whatever Jamzi poo."

She opened the door and gasped. "JAMES WHY THE FUCK ARE THE BROOKS BROTHERS AT OUR DOOR!" I heard Luke chuckle. "Where's James gorgeous." I walked down the hallway, seeing her swooning over them. "He's, he's uh, he's-" "Here." I pushed her out of the way and walked out, slamming the door in her face. "Sorry about her." I mumbled. They shrugged. "We get it a lot, don't worry."

As soon as we entered the huge house, everyone stopped what they were doing and stared, knowing it was the Brooks'. "LET'S GET FUCKING WASTED!" Luke shouted, getting a huge cheer, then running off a grabbing some vodka. "I'm gonna go find Ari-" "And fuck her?" I questioned. Beau snickered, and patted me me on the shoulder. "Yes, actually I am, it's valentines day after all." He then disappeared into the crowd too. "Nice bro." I felt proud, I don't know why, I just did.

Beau put his hands on my shoudler and lead me to the loungeroom, where Hey Hey Hey was blasting out of the speakers, and girls were grinding on guys everywhere. "There she is." Beau said mindlessly, staring at his ex, dressed in a red mini dress, her hair out and amazing. "Fuck she's beautiful." He mumbled. Wait, Beau usually just calls girls hot and sexy, never beautiful. Maybe he was whipped.

She caught our gaze. "Come on." Beau muttered, and pushed me towards her. "Hey Kaity." She looked down at her heels. "Beau." She looked up at me and smiled. "James." She said warmly. "Hey." Beau shot me a dirty look. "Go." I agreed, and made my way over to Jai, who was busy socializing with Ariana to even notice I was there.

Beau's POV

As soon as James left, her smile disappeared. "What do you want?" She said emotionlessly. "I want to talk to you." She scoffed. "Talk." I rolled my eyes. "Don't be pissy at me, you broke up with me." "And i'm glad I did." She smirked, making anger pool in my stomach. "Bitch." I mumbled quietly.

"So, you know my friend James." She nodded. "Yeah, he's in my English class, he's smart so he was put up a-" "I don't care shut up." She was a little taken back. "He's really into you." I said painfully. I don't even know why I was doing this for him. Kaitlyn's mine... and it's gonna stay that way.

"Really?" I smirked evily. "Yeah, he's talks about you like ALL the time, we have to literally force his mouth shut because all we hear is 'Kaitlyn this, Kaitlyn that, blah blah blah.'" She blushed a little. "I mean, I swear, evey time he sees you he gets a boner." Her smile dropped a little. "And he has this shirt, that he wears under everything that says 'I love Kaitlyn Hoban' And literally has your face stuck to it."

She looked over at James, who saw us and waved madly. Her eyes opened widely, and went to say something, but I cut her off. "You're not right for him anyway, it's me that you want." She laughed cruely. "Oh, yeah, what makes you think that?"

I grabbed her hand, feeling an unusual tingle, and lead her up the stairs into a bedroom. "Beau, I don't-" I pushed her up to the wall and pressed my lips against hers, her lips instantly moulding together with mine. "I *kiss* missed *kiss* you." I moaned, pushing her onto the bed. "Same *kiss* here *kiss* baby."

James' POV

I looked around for Beau and Kaitlyn, but they were no where to be seen. I asked Jai if he'd seen them, but he just shrugged and continued to make out with Ariana. I searched throughout all the house, until I made my way upstairs, hearing moans coming from the bathroom.

Me, being the curious shit I am, twisted open the lock and walked in, seeing Luke with a girl, pressed up against the wall, doing... each other. "Dude get o-out." He moaned, me covering my eyes and slamming the door. "Oh god." I mumbled, vomiting a bit in my mouth. I then heard more moans, this time for a bedroom.

Should I? Should I not? I shrugged, and pushed open the door, my heart stopping at what I saw.

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