Battle Against a True Hero.

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You were in a different place now. It didn't had any snow or anything in it. Instead it was dark. Except for the small dotted light that twinkled on the ceilings and the walls of the place.

The sound of water rushing echoed through out the entire place. You could hear-feel, two heartbeats beating softly. You smiled a cheery smile as you wondered off the place aimlessly.

Searching for the two beating hearts. You were determined to jab, stab, slit your knife through every part of their body. And having their dust and blood on your knife was something even more amusing.

You continued to walked without even knowing where you're going, you found a bridge. A wooden bridge. You continued to walk, feeling as the heartbeats grew louder. And once you did, you stopped when you heard a soft, gentle footstep tap the wooden surface.

"They," a soft, childish voice spoke behind you, "They told me you were bad. That you bring nothing but destruction." Slowly, you turned around and saw a little armless dino-like monster staring up at you. But once you flashed him one of your smiles, his face darkened and fear overtook.

"U-Undyne. She-She'll defeat you!" The monster shrieked, you inches closer and the little monster did the opposite, "S-Stay back!" He stuttered, but you didn't listen until he stepped on the wrong surface and fell. He dug his teeth into the wooden bridge to prevent him from falling, "H-Help me!" Your smirk only grew wide as you stood in front of the monster child. You raised your knife up in the air and watched the terror spread across his face, "N-No. HELP!" as the knife dropped down, you saw a bright blue flash and your knife was suddenly dabbed into the wood.

You whipped your head inhumanly towards the direction of a two beating heart. An armor of steel stood across from you. The monster child behind her back, "I told you to stay behind!" The armored one spoke, "B-But if I-I did, you-you'd-"

"I won't die. Okay? Now go back and wait for me there."

"C-Can I . . . Can I at least . . . see your face?" The child muttered, Undyne sighed and took her helmet off. Giving it to the child, "Go. Now." She told the monster and it quickly took off, "So, where were-" her sentence cut short as you were already gliding infront of her. The same wicked smile plastered across your lips as your eyes had started to scream bloody murder.

And suddenly, as your knife neared her heart, images and scenes of the unknown flashed before your eyes.


We are gonna be total freakin' BESTIES!

You can't just jump across!?

NOTHING has brought Papyrus and I closer than cooking!

You can't do the jimpity jumpity joodle!?

Everyday, monsters come here and wish to the stars. . . .

The limpity loppity leap!?

I won't let them down!!!

You aren't just a wimpy loser.

I'll make all of their wishes come true!!!

Hitting on me!?!?!?!

You're a wimpy loser with a big heart!

"This world will live on!!!"

As your knife jabbed into her chest, you saw her final transformation until, slowly . . . it melted all away. Leaving the dust and blood stuck unto your knife.

Another disturbing smile was painted across your lips and you couldn't help but look into the direction where you felt you were being watched. Your grin turned into a loft-sided one and soon, you ran your tongue through the sharp blade of your knife. Making a lightly deep wound before licking your lips.

Letting some of the blood drip down into your lips and once proceeding to your next destination. Little did you know that those actions alone had left the monster watching you to vomit all it ate and find a better way to stop you. One way or another.

5 L E F T.

D E T E R M I N A T I O N.

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