Lazy Bones.

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"Y/n?" Chara spoke those words slowly as her eyes were stuck on nowhere. Sans growled warningly at what she muttered. But . . . he was surprised as well. He didn't know if she was messing with him or not. The way she said your name . . . it just sounded so real. As if you were actually there. At where she was staring.

"you . . . MURDERER!" He screamed bloody murder as he shot another round of Gaster Blaster her way. He couldn't forgive himself for killing you. God. After knowing all those? After knowing how much it hurts you when he accused you? He didn't even know if you could forgive him. The fact that you sold your SOUL to this one heck of a devil was enough for him to hate himself. Moreover, it was his fault why you did it in the first place.

But as much to your dismay, your presence wasn't enough to distract her, "What are you doing here? No. That's right! You're just a fragment of my imagination here to ruin me. He . . . Hee Hee. Nice try." She mumbled and that only made Sans’ blood fume.

"who are you talking to, kid? gone insane already?" He smirked, Chara glared his way and scoffs, "That's right. I'll finish you off first." She said as she looked your way with a teasing grin. She dashed towards Sans at such an inhuman pace.

You panicked. But not because Sans would kill her. You panicked because Chara was capable of killing him. You didn't want anyone getting killed. Not anymore.

Chara! Please, stop. It-It doesn't have to end this way! You pleaded the child desperately.

"I know." She answered, "what do you know?" You heard Sans asked, and that only pained you. Knowing that you were invisible in his eyes but visible into this devil's, "But it's fun this way~" she giggled menacingly as she rapidly swung her knife all around. Eager to hit the skeleton on any part of his body. Knowing that with just one hit . . . this skeleton would be dead.

And that only caused to weight over the pain you were already feeling. Knowing that your skeleton had so little HOPE in him. That you caused it. That you were the reason why he had so little HOPE. You wanted to cry. To weep and ask for someone to tamper you. But you, yourself knew that nobody will come and do so. Not because you were invisible. But because of the evil deeds you had done.

You felt your heart caught into your throat as Chara's knife almost hit Sans’ side, There's always a better way, Chara! We . . . We can search for it together.

"Lies. Lies, lies, lies, LIES!" Chara repeatedly say and every after word of it her actions became monstrously fast, "YOU DIRTY LIAR!" She screamed, thrusting the knife to where Sans would be but he dodged the attack successfully and watched as her knife impaled itself through the castle's pillar.

"yikes. that's one strong knife, kiddo." Sans commented, Chara

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Chara screamed as she forcefully pulled her knife and tackled the skeleton. He dodged, using his infamous shortcuts and kicked Chara square on her jaws, Chara, please. I'm not leaving you! I'm not letting anyone die again.

"Well, sorry. But I've got a better plan in mind." Chara told you with a sharp glare, "and what is that?" Sans asked, Chara glowers at the skeleton and said, "Killing you." Chara told Sans with a cheery, innocent, child-like grin.

What the child did literally caught the skeleton off guard. And Chara took it as an opportunity. She tackled the skeleton down and as she raised her knife up in the air, ready to kab it into the skeleton's chest. But Sans’ Gaster Blaster seemed to be fond of him and tackled the child on their own. But apparently, Chara was smarter. She swung her knife upwards, a direct hit to the poor Gaster Blaster. Sans was suddenly on his knees, catching his so called breath.

Chara gave a nasty grin as she approached the skeleton slowly, knowing what'll happen next, you decided to finally step out of the bleachers and went in between the two. Sans was a lazy bone. You wouldn't deny that. But, truthfully speaking, he wasn't being lazy this time.

H E  G A V E  U P.

STOP, PLEASE! You begged. You were raising both of your hands up in the air, an act to defend yourself. You didn't know it would work. You didn't CARE if it would work. Sans’ life was at stake. And losing him . . . losing him is—

Please . . . don't kill him. You cried out, you heard a slow, sad chuckle and as you open your eyes, you found that Chara's knife was stuck mid air. She was looking directly at you, and that alone sent shivers running down her spine.

"I just don't understand you."


Heey! We're almost finished! Do you like the book so far?

Uh, hope you do. So, in any case, thank you for reading until this chapter.

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So, yeah.

See ya.

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