The series takes place in the fictional seaside town of Storybrooke. Where some residents are actually characters from various fairy tales and other stories that were transported to the "real world" town and robbed of their original memories by the Evil Queen Regina, using a powerful curse obtained from Rumplestiltskin. The residents of Storybrooke, where Regina is mayor, have lived an unchanging existence for 28 years, unaware of their own lack of aging. The town's only hope lies with a bounty hunter named Emma Swan, the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, who was transported from the Enchanted Forest to our world as an infant before she could be cursed. As such, she is the only person who can break the curse and restore the characters' lost memories. She is aided by her son, Henry, who she gave up at birth for him to be adopted and his Once Upon a Time book of fairy tales that holds the key to breaking the curse. Henry is also the adopted son of Regina (The Evil Queen).
My Life!
RandomThis book is all about me.What I like and what I dislike so I hope all of u enjoy the book. Also Tv Show I LOVE.