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I immediately shoot a look to my so called friend who is grinning from ear to ear.

"This is a strip club!!" I hiss in his ear hugging myself for comfort as I see several men start to come into the audience.

"Happy 18th!" He screams hugging me before ripping my hands from my body in an attempt to make me dance.

I jerk my hands from his smaller ones glaring. Why did I choose to celebrate with him I should've known.

Back up on the stage three more good looking guys come on stage in firefighter uniforms but they were tied at the waist showing off all there 6 packs.

I swallow thickly playing with the ends of my flannel. I haven't even been kissed yet here I am for my 18th birthday party at a strip club.

"Hey!!its his birthday!!" Louis screams loud enough for them to hear holding my hand high in the air. I pale instantly flinching back. No no no no nope no.

This is not happening no.

"A birthday boy!! Well I guess we will have to call in our specialist for birthdays do you ladies and gentlemen know who I'm talking about!?" One yells into the mic. Suddenly I hear an eruption of screams.

"The Payne-Train!!" I hear from the screams making me gulp again. Who the hell?

Suddenly another figure is on the stage making my heart race.

He's in uniform too but this time he hops down directly in front of me. All I see his chiseled chest because he's much taller than I am. I look up and my eyes meet with a pair of warm brown ones. He's extremely attractive more than the others and that's saying a lot.

I look over for the help of the demon who brought me here but he's too busy being grinded on by a tall curly haired guy. Nope. No. No

Music starts playing again and everyone's attention is on the stage again thank god and the other people getting grinded on.

I pull a 20 out of my pocket even though its the last of my money and hand it to him shakily.

"Y-you can just take the money" I yell standing on my tippy toes so he can remotely hear.

"That's not how it works, birthday boys get stuff for free" he says lightly pushing me into one of the plush purple chairs.

Butterflies erupt in my stomach but I just shake my head.

"N-no its c-cool I don't really want to be h-here my friend b-brought me" I yell again playing with the ends of my flannel again.

"Fine then" he says huskily leaning in to leave a kiss on my jawline before going to another paying customer.
I huff and let out a shaky breath.

"I need a drink" I go to the counter and a bartender comes over.

"What can I get you?" He asks rolling his eyes slightly. I have never had alcohol before so I furrow my eyebrows biting my lip.

"Um that.." I point to a picture of a pink cute looking drink and he chuckles shaking his head before turning away to mix up whatever it was that was in the drink.

Soon it is slid onto the counter with a small black straw which I grab and sip the mixture and stepped back in surprise.

This doesn't taste like what I thought alcohol would taste like that's for sure. I hum in approval throwing the straw out taking the glass and tossing the entire thing back before slamming the glass back down on the counter.



I see the little guy who turned me down earlier swaying to the beat of the song. The girl I'm currently on top of slips money into the waist band of my Calvin Klein's. I smile. He's cute as hell, probably a virgin.

He's stumbling around and twirling before he looks me in the eye and smirks lifting his shirt up to reveal a cute little tan stomach, deep red lace peeking out of his jeans.

I cough slightly. He's definitely drunk.
Doesn't mean its not turning me on though. I see a random guy appear behind him and start to grind which makes my chest flare up. He smiles and throws his tiny hands into the air. He can't be aware of what he's doing. I step off the client and walk over to Justin the bar tender.

"How many drinks did he have?" I ask pointing to the little raven haired beauty who was biting his lip roughly moving his fingers up to his lower lip to drag them down to his chin.

"One cosmopolitan but I may of slipped a few shots of vodka in it and added extra sugar so he wouldn't taste it.." He admits scratching the back of his head.

"Why in the hell?" I raise my voice slightly putting my fist in the air but I lower it deciding to calm down.

"He was really uptight seemed like he needed it" Justin says laughing slightly. I walk over to the young guy pulling him away from the random dude grinding on him. He frowns whining.

"Heyyy Payne train shut your facee I was having a good time" he tugs onto my firefighter uniform making my stomach slightly tingle. Ew what is this feeling.

I guide him to one of the private rooms watching his stumble before leaping onto the bed. Well he's definitely a light weight...

"What's your name?" He asks his big brown eyes looking at me with confusion.

"Liam, what about you princess?" I ask smirking slightly. He giggles then let's out a tiny burp.

"I'm Zayn" he practically moans then begins to take of his shirt. I grab his wrists finding out that my hands can wrap clear around them.

"Woww trying to take control huh? Are you a kinky guy leeyum?" Zayn asks biting his lip hard.

I take a deep breath in because I know this is not how he acts from the first conversation I had with him sober.

"Let's just take you home where do you live?" I ask pulling out my phone to check the time. Its already 1 so I can technically leave.

"I live.. I live..." He trails off looking very confused before tugging me on top of him.

"Take me homeee" he whines leaving long scratches down my back. I shudder and help him stand.

"I want to but I need to know where you live.." I murmur starting to get worried about this little birthday boy.

"I-iiiii live with you were married duh" he furrows his eyebrows stomping his foot in frustration. I chuckle trying not to laugh to hard loudly.

"My place it is then"

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