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Louis had ended up tugging me through atleast 20 stores by the end of the day and successfully got his one night stand guy to stay another..
I sit on the left of their two bodies which are pushed very close together. I'm such a third wheel. I sigh and leave the couch to go try some of my clothes on.
I slip on some light wash jean shorts that were highwaisted. There comfy and cute but I put them back, I guess Louis put them on my clothes pile while I was checking out, bastard. I would never wear these in public though, even though my legs and ass look amazing. I can't deal with the creepy stares and judgmental looks that would go with them.
I sprawl out onto my bed letting my feet dangle off the edge lazily. My phone buzzes and I pick it up, unlocking it only for it to fall flat onto face.
I wince in pain more angry at myself before rolling over to my stomach and propping myself up with my elbows so the incident doesn't happen again.
Seeing it's a message from Liam I open it immediately, biting harshly on my bottom lip.
Liam: hey ;)
I slightly frown at the winky face, there was no need for it in the text and I didn't want to move things so fast. I barely know him, and the only bit I know is that he's handsome but lives half his life on a strip pole.
Me: hi.
I type the quick response before scrolling through the rest of my social media accounts waiting for another message which comes soon.
Liam: I can't wait to see you again.
I find myself sighing at he message. This is all too fast. Liam sounds and seems like an awesome guy but I'm not about to send flirty messages to someone who could have weird fetishes or not brush their teeth or something. It's scary, not knowing him, but not as scary as the want to be near him.
Me: same!
I sigh turning my phone off, I really need to come up with clever responses.
I decide to paint, I don't have anything better to do so I grab a canvas off of the stack I have in the corner of my room then picking up my cheap paint tubes I got from Hobby Lobby, I don't have much money I get what I can. This paint isn't the greatest but one of the parts about being an artist is to use what you can get.
I set the canvas onto my tattered easel and begin to squeeze different colors of paint onto my white pallet, swirling the pinks and purples together. With an image in my mind a take a first stroke watching the pigment transfer in awe.
I stop my music after a few hours breathing a sigh of relief as I step back and look at my masterpiece.
I smile and stop to take a picture, looking down at my paint covered thighs I prop my phone up on my window sill taking pictures of my legs. I can't help it, I like the way it looks.
I post the picture of my painting and my thighs on my instagram not caring.
Cleaning the paint off my brushes and moving my easel back into place and propping my canvas up in the window so it can dry.
I hop in the shower, loving the feel of the paint peeling off my skin and the hot water pouring down my neck. After washing the rest of paint off my body and covering my body in my strawberry scented body wash I eventually get out.
The cold air is uninviting as I cross my room, bare feet sinking into my fluffy carpet.
I check my phone to see more messages when my door is knocked on my door. I slip on my underwear those cute shorts and a white tank quickly before racing to the door.
Assuming it's Louis I open it rolling my eyes.
"Louis I told you to stop knocking just come in." I scoff.
"Well I'm not Louis so does that rule apply to me?" A deeper voice sounds behind me so I snap my head around to see Liam standing there in jeans and red v neck.
Holy shit
Why is he here? Why? out of all the times it has to be when I'm dressed like a freak what is my life?
"U-uh you c-can come in I have to c-change." I turn back around about to make a run for my room when a firm hand wraps around my wrist engulfing it.
"Keep them on." He murmurs and I blush further turning back around looking at his shoes instead of my ugly legs and feet that are on display.
"W-well okay, why are you here?" I ask so confused. I need to get my shit together.
He grins.
"I said I wanted to see you again" he speaks.
"I just saw you.." I trail off, I really hope my room isn't too dirty.
"Well I thought we could go out?" Liam says sounding completely serious.
I cough eyes widening, wow I'm a spazz.
"Y-yeah sounds good to me, I'll go change then" I point past the hallway to my room.
He sighs eyes trailing up and down my legs a the sliver of skin that shows on my stomach. I blush tugging the dumb tank top farther down and scurry to my room not giving him a lot of time to look at my butt but I hear a loud groan in protest to me changing from the hallway.
I laugh and quickly pick out a large grey sweater and black jeans, along with my black combat boots and put it on then grabbing a grey beanie to cover my head.
I venture back into my hallway and Liam laughs.
"It's warm outside you know that right?" He says gesturing to the sun shining through the glass on my door.
I blush again and twiddle my fingers, rocking back and forth on the slight heel of my boots.
"Yeah I'm always cold" I reply tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and absent mindlessly biting my bottom lip. A bad habit.
"Okay well I have a place in mind do you trust me?" He asks looking down at me.
I bite my lip harder and think, I mean he could've done a lot of things to me yesterday but he didnt.. I finally nod my head as a tiny response to his question and I'm tugged out of my house with no idea of where I'm going.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2018 ⏰

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