Forbidden Zone-Misfits

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Frank's POV
The last bell finally rang, signaling that hell was over for today. I walked up to my car feeling that someone was staring at me but I shrugged it off since I just wanted to go home and sleep. I started my car and started driving towards my house blasting some Misfits on the way. I finally parked on the driveway of my two story house. I unbuckled my seat and started walking towards the front door. I unlocked it and sighed in relief once I realized no one was home, all I wanted was silence to fall asleep. I head to my dark room, which is filled by band and horror movies posters. Truly beautiful. I then threw my backpack to one of the corners of my room and laid down on my bed. Have you ever been so tired you just want to sleep, but for some reason you just couldn't? Well, that's exactly what I'm experiencing right now, and it fucking sucks. I decided to go through my social media, Instagram to be specific. I clicked on the app and got some few notification of new followers and likes. As I clicked on the notifications button and saw the persons that decided to follow me I almost fell down of my bed. "Gerardway" has started following you. Wait, okay I know it isn't that big of a deal, but come on! He literally took the time to follow me on Instagram! After my little fanboy dance, I finally calmed down and followed him back. Yeah I know I wasn't following him, but I still checked his Instagram daily. Stalker much! The next thing that happened literally made me choke on my own saliva! I got a new DM, and guess who it was from!? Yup, if you guessed, Gerard Way, then you're unfortunately right! "Hey" was displayed on my screen, it reminded me if when he just said hey once we were assigned to be partners. I typed a "Hey" back very nervously, after a minute I got a reply. "So um yeah.. I hope you don't mind but I really needed to talk to someone, and since you offered your help earlier I decided to come to you." Wow he actually kept that on mind. "It's fine man, I wouldn't offer my help if I didn't wanted to help. How may I help you?" "Okay gotcha, and that last sentence sounded so professional haha. So do know I'm dating Lindsey right?" "It did didn't it? And yes I am aware of that." "Well, the first time that I met her, I knew she was the one. She was all that I ever wanted. But, throughout time, I've noticed changes in her. She used to be so opened with me, so cuddly. Now, she Is just so..I don't know, so distant. Whenever I want to hang out she's always busy. I don't know what's gotten into her and it's stressing me out. I'm not eating like I used to, I've lost so much weight these past weeks. I don't know what to do." I was loss of words. I was honestly shocked and was in the verge of crying. Out of all the people, I never pictured Gerard going through this, it made me realize that everybody has their own inner problems. "To be honest, you really made me speechless. I never pictured you going through this like ever! You are such a cool guy and you have the perfect live, but I guess not the perfect love life. Have you tried speaking to her about what you've been noticing? Have you told her about your problems?" "Trust me once I thought about it I even surprised myself. And yeah, I've tried meeting up with her so we could talk person to person, but like I said she's always busy doing god knows what." "Well then have you talked to your parents about this?Or anyone else in general?" "No, my parents have been noticing that I've been not like myself lately and asked what's wrong but I'm just nervous telling them. Mikey, my brother, have also been asking if something was wrong, and I would get frustrated so I would yell at him that everything was fucking fine, but it's far from fine." I really felt bad for him, he just couldn't tell anyone because he was embarrassed. He was the cool guy that could get any girl at school, but here he is, telling the most loner his problems. He couldn't talk to his best friends since he was afraid that they would laugh at him, being cool is hella awful. "I'm truly sorry that you're going through this. But, if you wanted my help, I advice you to talk to Lindsey. Just go to her house and knock until she answers and just make her listen. If she doesn't answer and you know she's there break in, this is a serious situation and it needs to be taken care of." "Alright, I'll try that tomorrow after school, I really appreciate that you took your time to listen to my problems. Thank you so much Frank, I'll see you tomorrow." "You're welcome, Gerard. I'm glad I could help, see ya!" Seen was displayed on my screen meaning he already saw it. I sighed and stared up at my ceiling. See you tomorrow Gerard was the last thing I said once I actually was able to sleep.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, It was really nice writing all of this. It distracted me from reality and that's what I really need right now.
Yours, Bloodsucker.

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