Stuck In Purgatory

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Gradually dying,

ripping my soul from my being

beaten and shattered

With full consent from my broken heart

For the one thing I truly wanted

That I was slowly killing myself over

could never see me, or want me

Rejecting me, over and over again

Until I crawled back pathetically

you told me you still wanted me

just to break my will again

and leave me more severed from myself time and time again.

I was never paid any mind, by the likes of you

not even a second option

just a last resort

when you felt lonely at night.

And I fell into a bottomless pit of anguish and sorrow

I dug my own grave so deep,

I was never able to climb out

Holding onto a love that never existed

The field of my dreams so barren

my desire for anything but you, never grew

and look where I am now

bleeding while you're sleeping

instantly I'm gone without a sound

leaving nothing behind

miserable in my own personal purgatory

now to spend eternity alone

but free to roam


with out you

my horrid love


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