Asking you out x reader (Yami ,Seto)

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Yami Yugi
"Yugi,what happens if she says no!? I don't want our friendship to be awkward after that!!"Poor Yami was pacing back and fourth around the room while yugi sat on his bed looking through his deck listening to the Pharaoh have a break down."You'll be fine ,you're being dramatic over nothing. She's going to say yes ,now go ask her so you don't worry yourself." Yami sighed and just nodded,before leaving to your house. Yami thought to himself all the ways he should say the phrase "will you go out with me?" ,he didn't want to sound to scared or to harsh. Once he mentally yelled at himself for a good five minutes once arriving to your door ,he took a deep breath and knocked. While waiting for the door to open ,it felt like years before you finally answered. You opened the door with the biggest smile on your face,you and Yami always were the best of friends but you both liked each other on a deeper level. All your friends knew you both had feelings for one another but neither of you would take the step to say something about it. "Hello Yami ,is there something I can help you with?" You stood there looking at the nervous wreck man. "Oh uh yes ,um Y/N I really hope this doesn't make things awkward between us. But I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me maybe?"he looked at his feet to afraid for your answer. You stood there shocked before you quickly hugged him."Of course ,I'd love to!"After you've said those words you felt Yami relax into your arms and hug you back.

Seto Kaiba
Seto was never one to fall in love especially being to busy to find love ,he was the kind of boy who never believed in stupid crushes. He always felt like they were a waste of time before meeting the girl who changed everything,you. You first met Seto in school ,you both didn't like each other especially him being a little shit head to everyone there. You had accidentally ,bumped into him in the hallway and he didn't like that. While he was arguing with you ,you stood there defending yourself which was a shock. Nobody ever had the courage to stand up to the boy ,ever since that day he had fallen for you. Now how only problem was how we was going to ask you out on a date ,he was thinking about asking you after he would impress you by beat wheeler in duel ,deciding that was a no since everyone knew he could beat wheeler. That wouldn't be to impressive ,so another idea popped into his mind. Roses. Roses could win any girl over ,so being Seto he went over the top and order four dozen of roses and decided to ask you in front of the entire school the next day,he did just that. He was standing there with his workers holding the roses,you walked over to him confused by everything he cleared his throat while gently holding one of your hands."y/n ,you are so beautiful like a rose nothing can compare to you. I like you a lot so ,I would like to know if you'd go on a date with me?" His workers stood next to you handing you the roses as you gasped seeing them."Of course Seto! You didn't have to do this"you smelled the flowers ,while Seto awkwardly tried giving you a hug. "Anything to see you smile" he smiled to himself knowing he was the luckiest man in the world right now.

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