The Move

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And he kissed me. A slow, gentle kiss. And it was like the moon and the sun were back together. I felt kinda complete in that moment. How are we gunna tell everyone? I started worring. Ehh, oh well. This is just another part I can add to my not so happy story of life.


Chapter 23:

Alisha's PoV:

After Zayn kissed me, we went walked down stairs with our hands entwined and smiled on our faces.

"Harry ?" I called out, not wondering where he was and not wanting to go searching for him.

"Yes ?" I heard from the kitchen. Huh, I should've known. I hope he's making me food, I thought with a grin on my face. I pulled Zayn along behind me towards the kitchen door.

"Hey, I thought you'd be hungry so I made you some fish and- " He started to say before I erm, interrupted.

"FIIIIISSSSHHHH!" I screamed with delight. I ran over to him and gave him a big hug and then raced over to the other side of the island to sit down and eat my fish and chip.

I heard someone chuckle as I stuffed my face with the delicious food.

"Oh my god Harry! This food is delicious!" I practically moaned as I talked, still stuffing my face. Damn that boy can cook.

"Well I love cooking so my mum taught me but I'm better at desserts. Because I used to work in a bakery, that is." He replied while blushing a light pink before looking at his toes.

Zayn walked over and stole some of my fish while me and Harry were talking. Or all of it because when I looked down at my food again, it was all gone.

"Zayn." I growled while glaring at him. "I am soooo going to kill you for eating all of my- "

I would've finished what I was saying but I was cut off my my phone ringing,

"If you ever loved somebody put your hands up

And now they're gone and you're wishing you could give them everything

Said if you ever loved somebody put your hands up"

"Hello ?" I answered without checking to see who it was.

"Alison dear, it's your mother speaking." Came the voice, now identified as my mother. I got up from where I was sitting at motioned for the guys to stay where they were while I left the room to the backyard to talk to my mom in private.

The thing about my mom is that she's never really home. She's always really busy at work in one country or another. But when she calls, it's always something that really super important. And sometimes depressing. Like once, she said she wasn't coming home for Christmas and that's OUR holiday so I ended up just watching sappy Christmas love movies all day. But anyways ...

"Yes mother?" I said while after shutting the door. And walking over the the hammock and laying down on it. Comfy!

"We're moving." And just like that, my whole world fell apart.

••20 Weeks Later••

Alisha's PoV:

It's been months since me and my mom moved to California. Months since I've seen the boys. Yet, minutes since I've cried. I've missed them soooooo much! I miss how Niall eats all my food, how Harry makes me laugh, how Lou acts like such a kid, how Liam is so sweet and sensitive, but most of all, I miss Zayn.

I'm currently 5 1/2 months pregnant, I know what you're thinking, "Daamn she must be huge." And you're right, I am. My baby has been kicking a lot lately, too. I just wish the boys were here with me. I've been so depressed without them. I don't even know why we moved, my moms never here and I hate being at the school. I'm the new girl who's pregnant. It's not fun. My first day was even worse.


I walked into the school to receive a bunch of dirty looks. I'm pregnant, what can I say? 

I walked towards the office and a lady called me over.

"How can I help you?" She smiled.

"I need to pick up my schedule." I replied. Her smile looked seriously fake.

"Sure honey, what's you're name."

"Alisha Cortez."

"Okay, let me see." She started looking through a bunch of papers and cabinets.

"Oh! Here it is! So you have  

1st Period- Chamber Choir 

2nd Period- PE 

3rd Period- AP English 

4th Period- Study Hall 


5th Period- Family Life TA 

6th Period- Theatre. Is there anything that needs to be changed about you're schedule?" Kinda ironic that I'm pregnant and a TA for family life. But I can't do PE.

"PE. I'm 5 1/2 months pregnant so PE isn't an option. Plus, I already did all 2 years of PE." {A/N: I can't remember is I said she was a junior or senior, so to clear that up she's 17 and a senior}

"Okay! Well, what classes are you interested in and we'll see if there's an opening."

"Could I be like an assistant coach for volleyball, softball, or basketball? I'm reeeeeally good at those sports!"

"Let me check." She went over to the phone and started talking. I couldn't hear what she was saying, sadly.

"Okay, you can actually do baseball and volleyball and we can change you're schedule around a bit. Is that good?"

"Perfect, actually. Thank you!"

"Okay so, you're new schedule is  

1st Period- Chambers Choir 

2nd Period- Family Life TA 

3rd Period- AP English 

4th Period- Theatre  


5th Period- VolleyBall Ass. Coach 

6th Period- BaseBall Ass. Coach." She handed me the paper with my schedule and some other stuff and then I was off to 1st period.

{End Of FlashBack}

The days went by quickly. All my teachers loved me. When it came to school here, it was amazing. I'm always excited for tomorrow. My teachers were definitely impressed with how far I was ahead even though I haven't really been going to school because of the pregnancy.

But I can't ignore the ache I feel when something reminds me of the boys. Every night I cry myself to sleep missing them. I miss their warm smiles and encouraging words. I just plain miss them.

Things at home haven't been good either. Not since mom to me about HER pregnancy with her new boyfriend that I didn't even know she had. We got into a reaaaally big fight.

I haven't talk to my dad since that dad he came over. But I can't help the feeling that something's wrong.

My pregnancy is going smoothly. At my last doctors appointment, I could've found out the sex of my baby but since Zayn wasn't there. . . I just couldn't. But he's coming down next week so we can find out ! I'm so excited ! I just can't wait to see him ! I mean, we Skype, call, and text but its just not enough. I need my baby here.


Okay so it's not much but I reaaaally wanted to update. It's been a month and I'm sooooo sorry. There's just been a lot going on with my dad being in the hospital and getting surgery and my family about to lose everything. I miss all your encouraging comments though/: I don't think I've gotten a comment since my birthday<|3 so can I get at least 25 reads, 3 votes, and 2 comments ? PLEASE ? It'll make me feel so much better that I'll update a really long chapter by the end of the week. Thaank Youu & iLoveYou !!!<3 <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2013 ⏰

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