No You Did-Nt.!

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No You Did-Nt!


"Stop yelling! And I said I' not going. Once you left everything got worse.I have no date, let alone friends. I don't even want to go!"

"Will you Alisha Cortez go to the Snow Ball with me? And let me help you pick out a dress?"


Chapter 3:

Alisha's PoV:

"Will you Alisha Cortez go to the Snow Ball with me? And let me help you pick out a dress?" Liam said when he got down on one knee.

It was weird seeing him again. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to have him back... but something doesn't feel right.

"What is wrong with you?! You can't just come back from the 'dead' and then ask me to the annual Snow Ball!" I screamed at him. He knew me better than anyone else. He knew I hated this romantic crap!

"Ali, nothing wrong. Wh-why would you think that?" He sounds nervous and guilty.

"Then why do you sound so guilty?"

This was stupid. I knew something was wrong. He knew that I knew something was wrong. Why not just come out and say it? Why say everything is all good when it's clearly not?

"I sound nervous. There's a big difference." He said trying to act all smart and play it off.

"Not much."

"Is too."

"Is not."

"Is too."

"Is not."

"Is too."

"Is not."

"Is not."

"Is too."

"Hah! Gotcha!" I stuck my tongue out at him. Lol I could've done that aaaaaall day long. Trust me.

"Not cool ali! Stop being childish." Liam started pouting. Bleeh, who cares.

"How's that being childish?!"

"Is too, is not, is too, is not..." He mocked me in his stupid fake girly voice.

"Not funny."

"I wasn't trying to be!"


"Why are you being such a bitch?"

My jaw just dropped. He's never called me a bitch. Or anything else similar to it. U could feel the tears coming. I tried to push them back, but I knew. I knew they were coming.

"Ali, come on. You know I didn't mean it like that," He was being very cautious, as usual.

"No, you meant it. Don't worry you wont have to worry about me being a bitch anymore...."

"Oh thank god!" He cut me off.

"Because you won't have to worry about me at all. Goodbye Liam Payne. have a good life." I finished saying this and just walked away. U just turned and walked. I didn't think it would be that easy. Then again, I never tried.


Liam's PoV:

All I heard was "Goodbye Liam Payne. have a good life." That's all. Nothing else. That's freakin' it! And then she walked away.

How could it have possibly gone this wrong this fast?! She walked away from me. She didn't even look back!

I could feel the tear running down my cheek. Onto my lips. I licked the salty tear away and dried my face because when we were younger, and one of us was in tears we'd tell the other, "There's no tears in baseball." Ali's mom always said that to her when she was first born until she was 5. For some reason it had always soothed her.

"ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" I screamed her name as loud as I could. Hoping she would come back.

She never did.

"Please.... Ali.... I need you here with me...." I whispered.

I was now on my knees. I couldn't comprehend why she left. I mean, she's never left! No matter how mad or sad or whatever she was. She's Never Left!


Sorry Liam's PoV was so short>.< I just didn't have any time :c




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