5 - Fall (II)

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This is about the same girl in 'Fall'. Just this was written on a different day, with different emotions. This can be read as a stand-alone one-shot.

She hurt me. Again. With the same old phrase. I'm better than you. This time it was different, it was for a position and in truth - the chance of either of us getting it is extremely low.

Who is she to think that she's better than everyone. Better than everyone around her. It hurts. Let's be honest, it hurts only because there's a partial truth to her statement.

I remember the sickening smile on her face as she self-proclaimed to me that she's better than the one who has been guiding her all this while. No, I'm not the one but it is some other girl.

One with a great personality. Nothing like this girl. It irritated me. How could she? Why would she? No, I'm not bringing her down but she's nothing close to as good to the one who has brought her to where she is.

The other girl was, after all, ambitious with talent. This girl just spoke words that will slice your heart and bring you down. This girl has everything but nothing. This girl simply uses her potential to cut you up. This girl has nothing that fits the positions but who said life was ever fair?

In the end, it is similar to the game of love. If only she played it well.


Horrible State of Grace reference at the end but eh. I think I'll be putting up a part III as well and maybe a IV:P

Hope you had fun reading!

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