Chapter One

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Hello lovelies this is the first installment to the story. This story may have some bad words but not an obscene amount :)
Als outfit on the top
         I gasp loudly and bolt upright suddenly as the wondrous voice of Patrick Stump blares from the god forsaken thing I call an alarm clock. I roll over in hopes that I can avoid the day that is ahead.
    "Bloody hell" I Yelp as I roll off the bed into a cardboard book that sits on my disheveled floor, more like hamper I mutter.
     I sigh as I moodily get off the floor and stretch my sore limbs. I saunter over to my black vanity and stare at myself with a smirk. Now I don't mean to be arrogant but I'm one sexy bitch.
     I throw on my favorite pair of jeans with a black tank and a green flannel as I rush down to greet Alex.
    I stroll into the kitchen and sigh in content when I find a cup of coffee awaiting my in all its caffeinated glory.
      "Morning sunshine" Alex chirps sarcastically as he walks over to me with a knowing smirk. That smug bastard I think with a silent eye roll and a nod of acknowledgment.
       I look at my phone and check the time. Grabbing my messenger bag from the counter I walk out the door of my apartment with a quick goodbye to Alex. First day as new girl I think. Wonder how many numbers I'll get.


8, 8 numbers by the time third period rolls around. I smile is accomplishment as I read the names and numbers of East Herimens finest bachelors.

Brad Omen
Cooper O'hare
Dylan prise
Colby Jackson
Toby Rivers (personal favorite)
Ashton Hemmings
Lucas Irwin
Mikey Hood

Satisfaction runs through my veins as I turn around and search for my next class.
        So far this school is easily navigated but I know better than to get cocky about things before I should. As I walk through the crowded halls I notice people stopping their conversations to look at me. I mean who can blame them?
          I wink at Toby as I pass with a smirk. I sway my hips ever so slightly as I make me way to math. Personally I'de rather be with one of my new found boy toys and have a little fun, get in a little trouble, but I know Alex would blow a fuse if he found out I skipped this early on.

When fourth period-math-ends I continued to lunch. As I walked through the slate gray double doors to the noisy and gossip filled environment of the cafeteria I realize that I need a seat.
        I notice Cooper's -the captain football team- eyes on me as I walk into the vast space. With a grin I walk confidently over to him a sit myself on his lap.
  " Hey babe " I whisper as I sit down.
     "Hello gorgeous" he replied with a smirk of his own. No one can deny that this boy is cute but I can't help but notice the girl burning holes into my forehead with her intense glare.
    I turn my attention to the blond and say slowly " ah chear captain" in a condescending tone.
      She growls in reply and doesn't say a word. She doesn't need to. It is obvious from her glare that she wants Cooper. I look at her for another second and then turn my attention back onto Cooper who is noticeably checking me out. I smirk and lean in to whisper in his ear,
"Take a picture it lasts longer."
    I swiftly get off his lap and walk confidently out the door not looking back. I don't have to turn around to know that that blond chick is still glaring and that Cooper is staring at my ass.



"Hey James" I hear as A lovely blond number named Sierra whispers in my ear. I turn my head to smile at the blue eyed beauty.
      " Hey babe, wanna get out of here?" I smirk as the bell rings signaling the end of the day.
She smugly nods and walks ahead while I slowly walk behind her enjoying the view.  As I pass through the halls I notice a flash of red out of the corner of my eye. I turn to see an unfamiliar face.
       I glance at the red head as she passes by oblivious to my  discrete staring. I turn back to Sierra soon after and follow her out the doors of the school. I let my mind wonder the new girl.
Confidence is key I think smugly. "Looks like I've found my next prize."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2016 ⏰

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