Something Special

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*Dani's POV*
After enjoying my cupcake with Lauren and Lisa I walked into my room scrolling through tumblr. Lauren walked in and sat on my bed.
"Uh,hi?" I said confused.
"You thought Josh was cute" Lauren stated simply. I choked.
"What? You know it's true!"
I rolled my eyes and said "fine but Lauren you know I've had like a million crushes and this ones probably gonna be like the rest of them"
"I don't know I can see something special about this one" Lauren said smiling.
"Can you just get out of my room!"
"I actually came to tell you that Christina wanted you to come downstairs for a band meeting"
"Um okay"
I shut my computer off and followed Lauren downstairs to see the rest of my sisters gathered up waiting on me.
I'm sorry this was so short lol I didn't know how else to write this but I hope you enjoyed!!!!
Twitter: saralovescim
~Sara :)

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