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*Dani's POV*
"Oh and I totally ship you and Josh bye" were the last thing Autumn said before running off, Josh looking embarrassed ran off after her into his house. I felt my cheeks starting to burn up, and before any of my sisters could see me I quickly ran upstairs to my room. I sat on my bed and thought for a couple minutes. Did he like me? If he did, did he tell her? Was it obvious that I liked him? Is that why she said she shipped us? Could we be more than friends?
"Hey, why did you just run up to your room all of a sudden?" Lauren said interrupting my thoughts. "Oh nothing I was just tired" I said hoping Lauren would believe me. But there was a very low chance of that, Lauren was the sister I was closest to and my best friend, we told each other everything and we knew everything about each other. She could easily read me and she had a look on her face showing she didn't believe me. I sighed "okay fine, so Josh's cousin Autumn said she shipped me and Josh and then both of them ran away". Lauren looked at me and smiled "you were right me and Autumn are similar, we both ship you and Josh" I rolled my eyes. "But when Autumn said that Josh looked embarrassed and kinda like he wanted to kill her" I said, Lauren laughed. "Isn't it obvious that he has a crush on you" Lauren said "wonder how long it'll take him to admit his feelings for you".

"Hey do you two wanna boy talk I'm bored and I don't wanna go back home" Amy said walking into the room suddenly. Lauren and I laughed, then I patted a spot next to me on my bed telling Amy to come sit next to us. "So what's going on in your love life?" Lauren said to Amy. Amy laughed and said "well unfortunately I don't have a guy yet but the other day I went to Walmart and I saw the hottest person at the cash register. So I obviously went to go and check my things out at the cash register he was working at. So he asked me how my day went, and I said good and he gave me the cutest smile I wanted to die right there!" Amy said dramatically. Lauren and I laughed, "so" Amy said "anything going on in your love life Lauren?". Lauren shook her head and said "no, but Dani has plenty going on in hers". I groaned and then Amy said "oh my gosh is it with josh? I ship you two so hard" Lauren nodded in agreement and said "right? They're perfect for each other! And besides he likes her and she likes him and sometimes they hug and hold hands and stuff" Lauren said basically fangirling over the fact that I like Josh and there's a small possibility of him liking me back. I rolled my eyes and Lauren and Amy kept talking about me and Josh.
I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever I'll try to get better! Also I'm a mess and hearts on fire studio version are so good! And I'm so excited for the rest of the dates of the South American tour! AND ACID RAIN AND UP AT NIGHT AND WORTH THE FIGHT AHHH

Twitter : saralovescim
~Sara :)

the girl across the street ( a Dani Cimorelli story)Where stories live. Discover now