Chapter two; 'Saying' Goodbye

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      In the seven years since that visit, and the only thing poor Mrs. Giddons managed to influence is persuading me to purchase a small white board, so that I can communicate more effectively. This is not the outcome my parents hoped for, but it is better than having to learn sign language or me mouthing words. I think so too. My teachers, who were so uncomfortable with me in their class, relaxed when I was able to participate in group discussions. I finally made a friend. Her name was, and still is, Shelby. Shelby Williams, and she is amazing. Not only does she understand completely about my utter lack of wanting to speak, but when she is around me, she doesn't say a word either, and instead shares my white board.

     It is only to her I 'say' my goodbyes today. Mom got a new job in California. We leave in a few hours, so I am spending what little time I have at my best friends house.  Sharing my white board on her fluffy purple four poster bed, we converse back and forth;

    Shelby- are you sure you have to go? Can't you ask your parents to stay here?

    Me- Trust me, I did ask. I would miss you too much not to. At least you wont be targeted for being the mute girl's friend anymore.

    Shelby- Are you kidding? If I cared about the idiots in school I never would have even approached you.

     Me- That's nice to know. So, what do you want to do before I get on that dreaded plane? Sky dive, swim with sharks, OH, learn magic at Hogwarts??

    Shelby- I think we better stick with lunch and a movie. Don't want your momma to kill me now, would we?

     And that's what we did. We had a delicious lunch at my favorite pizza place, Callie's, then went to see the best movie there is for the third time; Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. We had such an amazing time, 'talking' about everything and nothing, laughing so hard people stared at us from across the room. But then it was time to go, and Shelby dropped me off at my house.

    Shelby- Write me EVERY week, alright? I love you so much Kenna!

    Me- Of course, DUH. I love you too, Shelly.

     And with that she drove off, and I went into my bedroom to finish up a bit of my packing. I would miss my room.  The year before I had it done exactly as I always wanted, painted a light green, with white designs contrasting. My door, shelves, bookcase, bed frame, and dressers were all painted white, just as I wanted. My bedspread was light green to match the walls. I felt serene in here. Yes, it was small, but it just added to the overall feeling of cosiness.  Now it was just an empty room. If I did decide to open my mouth I am sure I would hear echos. It is no longer serene.


     When my older (and handsome, to most) brother Ralph finally came home from saying goodbye to HIS friends, we packed up the car and headed to the airport. It would be a five hour flight. Fun. After waiting for about an hour in the terminal, we were allowed to board the plane. I got to sit next to Ralph, and because he is better than the normal brother, we actually had a decent time together. The flight wasn't as bad as I predicted, because I slept for half of it, and Ralph and I entertained each other for the other half.


        My first look at our new home. My first thought was 'big', and my second thought was 'expensive'. Indeed it is expensive and quite humongous. But it is also very modern, and beautiful. It is located in a nice, suburban neighborhood, where all the semi-wealthy live. It is a nice peach color, and bathed in sunlight, because the only tree is in the back yard. Three stories, including the basement, make it taller than our old home, where there was only one floor. Half of it is made of one way glass, making our reflections show on the mirror side. The grass is very green, and there is a cerulean blue pool in the back. As much as I hate to admit it, I think that I am going to like it here.

      Going up to my room, I start unpacking my clothes and books and things in and on my dressers, and on the bookcase. I pull out my bedspread and sheets and work on making the bed. Pretty soon, I have a place bearable enough to live in. I don't feel like doing anything else, so I go down and write on my board that I am going to bed.

      "Alright sweetie, remember to set your alarm for seven, got it? Don't want to miss your first day, do you?" the commander in chief responds from the couch, looking back to the TV. Mom. I don't bother writing anything down, and instead go up to bed, and collapse on the queen sized mattress. I am asleep very soon after setting my alarm. I dream about the first day. I dream of people trying to talk to me, and me, being mildly forgetful, will have left my white board at home. When I can't respond to their poking and prodding, they start to laugh, and tease me. 'Cat got your tongue?' they will ask, but their bullying gets increasingly worse until the pressure builds inside me like a volcano, and I finally let out a long, drown out word for the first time in years; "Beeeeeep!"

     I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock in a sweat, and trying not to think about the terrible nightmare, I stumble to the already stocked bathroom and take a quick shower. Letting all the hot water wash away my worries. I have everything prepared, from my outfit to my schedule. What can go wrong? Putting on my favorite pastel orange tank top and washed out blue jean shorts, I keep my mind busy. I apply minimal makeup, including dark mascara and cherry chap stick, and straiten my beach blond hair. I get privacy, because each room has its own bathroom. We only had one bathroom in our old house.

     "Kenna, Ralph, come get breakfast, you need to leave soon!" Dad yells from down the stairs. I knock on the wall twice to say that I understand. I hear Ralph respond with a

     "Yeah, whatever,".

     After a nice breakfast containing fruit and toast that to me taste like sandpaper, it is time to go catch the bus. I can tell you this, my first day wasn't how I was expecting. 

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