Chapter Four;

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Kenna's p.o.v.

     In every class that required introductions, I told them about my problem with not wanting to use my vocal chords, which, I am sure, are probably shrivelled from lack of use.  In every class that required introductions, I got whispers and weird looks as I concluded and went back to my seat. Some people laughed. Those people I would stay away from. Soon most got over it and focused on the teacher. I even got to answer a question, which I wasn't expecting on the first day. Classes were interesting, and seemed to fly right by. It is time for lunch, which I have kinda been dreading. Where would I sit?

        I head to my locker to get my bagged lunch, because I know how bad my old schools food is, and as I slam the door shut I jump. Ryan, the amazingly cute boy with the golden hair and ocean blue eyes was waiting for me behind the locker door. I place my hand on my heart and try to get it back to its normal beat. As I do so I glare playfully at Ryan, but he just laughs. I take out my white board and write MEAN!!! He laughs harder. When his chuckles subside he finally gets to the point.

       "So, I was wondering if you wanted to sit at my table to eat? I have a friend that I think you will get along well with," He says, wringing his hands and his cheeks coloring slightly. He keeps eye contact with me, though. Something I am very impressed about. I nod, smiling a bit.

      "Cool, just follow me," He says, and starts walking with a gesture to come along. To be honest, I am quite excited as I let him lead me into the crowded lunch space. We may not be friends, but I think that we may be on the road to be. Ha, his last name is Rodes. Ironic. No? Ok. He pulls out a chair for me at a table around the edge of the room. It is mostly filled with boys, attractive and well built like Ryan, but there are two girls sitting there as well.

      "Guys, this is Kennedy, we officially met in English this morning," Ryan announces, as he plops down in a seat next to mine. I get a chorus of hellos from everyone, and I give a smile and small wave.

      "Hey, so this is Jake, Neil, Tom, Lilly, Michael, and Elena," He introduces, starting from the boy next to him and ending at the girl next to me. I uncap my marker and write a quick message; nice to meet you all. They agree, but look at Ryan as if I did something wrong. Elena, a small petite girl with long brown hair taps me on the shoulder. I turn to see her doing some complicated motions with her fingers, which I recognise to be sign language. Now, when I said that a writing board was easier than sign language, I didn't say I didn't learn it. I understand it perfectly to mean; Can you speak this way? I am deaf, so I am used to not saying anything either. Fantastic! Someone I can communicate with. This must be the person Ryan was so excited for me to meet. I sign a amazing, yes, obviously I can speak this way. Great to hold a real conversation! She laughs. I start my meal.

      About halfway through the period, and a full convo between Elena and I, the one I remember to be Neil asks a question. Not a very nice one either.

     "So, why don't you talk? I mean, unless your deaf and couldn't learn. Or are you just dumb?" Wow. I am officially offended. Jake and Tom both take turns slapping Neil upside the head. Good. But, I have dealt with bullies before, and I learned how to defuse a bomb. I smile and laugh. This raises eyebrows. A lot of them. I write on my board once again.

     I was four when I stopped talking for a reason I don't feel comfortable explaining about. I am not deaf, and I am not dumb either. I know how to talk, I just don't. And I have a 4.0 GPA for your information. I don't appreciate your lack of tact in asking a sensitive question.

     I can't help but giggle at the look on his face. Like I high fived him. On the face. With the table. I restrain myself from adding a few choice words that surely would get me kicked from the group. It felt amazing. If only I could say those words with the falsly sweet voice I imagine.

    "Sorry, Kenna. Neil here just doesn't have a filter. He won't do it again, right, Neil?"  Lilly says, sending a dagger glare towards the boy. He is obviously grudging. He doesn't want to admit he was wrong. But he will. All (no matter how thickly veiled) decent people will.

    "Right," He grumbles. Proud to say that it is Kenna one and Neil none. Just the way I like it. 

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