Cute Strangers and Flowers

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A/N; I don't own any characters from teen wolf, however I do own Bryelle. And the plot line.


It was just a casual Sunday for the duo, the duo being Isaac and ironically his black and white faithful cat, to be strolling New York's most popular outdoor floral shop. The floral shop was way out in the outskirts of the city so that the flowers and other produce could breathe fresh and clean air, and today it was thriving since the temperatures had finally evened out to a relaxing 65 degrees. Which was rare for November and within the next few weeks all of the shops would be moved indoors instead of the nice and spacious outdoors due to the cold.

Today he had dressed in a white washed, blue jean, button up t-shirt with darker colored jeans and some random slip on shoes. As for his feline friend she wore the harness and leash that was also attached to his hand.

Isaac had been mindlessly scanning over some white roses when a unfamiliar yet strong scent hit his nose. Their was nothing odd about the scent meaning whoever it belonged to was a human and not a werewolf like Isaac. He tried to shrug it off by picking up a box of the roses and inhaling their scent. Since nothing was working and the scent kept getting stronger he decided to just come back tomorrow and pick out some daisies for his penthouse's rooftop.

As he turned to walk out he felt a tug at the base of his jeans. There stood a watery eyed, glossy brown haired, young toddler. Her tiny lipped quivered as she latched onto Isaac's leg. "pwease help me find my dwaddy!" she shrieked and small tears streamed down her face. Upon hearing her desperate cries Isaac bend down and wiped away her tears. "Don't worry we'll find him" he said reassuringly and held out his finger for the young girl to latch onto as they walked.

The two walked through the maze of flowers for about thirty minutes before the girl yanked him forward while happily screaming, "daddy! daddy! daddy!". Isaac had kept his concentration on trying not to bang his head while the girl pulled him under hanging flower pots all around. Once they reached the mysterious man she jumped into his arms and happily giggled, he awkwardly sat back and watched the scene play out. "Bryelle! Where've you been? I've been worried sick!" the, what he presumed, father asked. The toddler simply responded, "the nice man with the kiggy cat helped me find you!" Isaac scratched the back of his neck and finally looked upwards and made eye-contact with the man. "H-hi" he stuttered while gently waving his hand. The man smiled softly and stuck his hand out for Isaac to shake, which he gladly did considering her father was unreasonably hot, "I'm stiles". After catching his breath and gathering his thoughts he cooly responded, "Isaac. Isaac Lahey."


A/N; Sorry for any spelling or grammatical errors this is my first fanfiction and I'm trying my hardest. Hope you all enjoy and I try to update a few times a week.

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