Nervous is an Understatement

954 24 4

Word Count: 2379

Isaac POV

It had been a week since Stiles and I exchanged numbers after I returned Bryelle to Stiles. It had also been a week since I talked to him... wimp, I know. It's not that I'm scared or afraid, at least that's what I constantly tell myself, it's that I haven't got a clue what to say. That goes for my life as well.

Rachel, my paralegal or better known as my assistance and my most faithful friend, has been nagging me all week about how've I've been so quiet and more withdrawn than usually. Normally I would tell her to stop meddling but I've just been busy doing nothing essentially.

Friday evening while I was working on a case late night she strutted into my office with her heels clacking and slammed a file down on my desk. "Isaac. You're basically my brother I know when somethings up. Tell me. Now." She quipped and crossed her arms across her chest.

"Rachel. Nothing's wrong." I protested, but she wasn't going to back down so easily I could tell.

"You're such a dick! Why am I even friends with you? I'm only trying to help." She hissed. Nobody else would dare speak to their boss like that let alone Isaac, but Rachel was a long time friend and it didn't phase him.

"Rach... I'm sorry. Things have just been hectic lately and I'm trying to keep it cool."

"Isaac, I love you. You're my brother and I need you to talk to me. Please." She begged with her big blue eyes that always made him cave.

"Really want to know?"


"I met someone-", I started but was quickly cut off by her instant squealing, "shush woman if you want me to tell you!" he scolded and she bit her lip. "We met at the flower shop way out, you know my favorite one? I went out to get some fresh air and daisies for the roof floor since I had some new flower pots arranged up there. I thought it'd be a professional look for parties and such... anyways. This little girl came running up to me crying and had lost her daddy so I promised to help her and when we finally found him... he-he looked like a wreck and was pacing back and forth but damn he was beautiful. His whiskey eyes filled with sorrow, regret, and panic yet he was stunning. I was speechless until he introduced himself. His name is a bit odd but I still adore it." He heaves out and looks at Rachel. Her mouth is hanging open and in the shape of an 'o'. Which worries him because Rachel's never speechless. "What?" He snaps quickly, way too quickly.

"You're head over heels! Have you called him or texted him since?? Rachel's words oozed out of her like she was a sandbag with a hole in it.

"No I'm not, and no."


"I don't know what to say!" He shot back clearly embarrassed.

"Try asking him for dinner? I hear McDonald's has a good menu." She joked and nearly fell off his desk, while Isaac only glared at her. "Lighten up we all know you can afford something better than McDonald's. Hell you could even buy all the ones in New York!"

"It's late rach, and when it gets late you act like a drunk woman. Get some sleep I promise to ask him out for dinner tomorrow. I'll reserve us a place at Rooftop 48 and if he refuses then you're my date." He winked and shoed her out the office so that he could pack up and get ready to head home.

Once she left he glanced at his watch and read the time. 9:03 p.m. Would Stiles even be up still? Usually everyone in Brooklyn went to be early to beat the traffic. Isaac shrugged and took the opportunity to text him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2016 ⏰

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