2. An Appalling News Bulletin

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"Yes! Let's go out for some pizza!"

Tyrell seemed to be in a good mood today. And why not, their curfew was finally broken. After two months of getting jailed in the academy, except getting trained hard, they had nothing to do- No movies, no late night parties, and no walking trials across the lake. Their life sucked and was a complete waste.

After their return from Dakshinpur also called Forgotten Kingdom, with the knowledge of its existence coupled with their parents' unreliable history, the doctor, to everyone's surprise, announced some strict rules. They weren't allowed to walk out of the academy. Although he was right in his decision, everyone called it to be an outrageous idea. After Pruthvi's abduction, doctor couldn't take anything for granted. He was cautious enough or may be too much. As he wasn't around with the twelve Samagraha for past years, his responsibility towards them increased extremely.

There had been a time when Tyrell and Pruthvi tried to sneak out of the academy but as expected, they weren't successful. The doors were hexed, that even electrocuted the lightning master Tyrell himself and not to mention Pruthvi who could have grounded it. Since then no one has even thought of touching the door.

After ten days of the restlessness, Ruchin Daniels, the other Samagraha demanded Doctor to open the gates, for his girlfriend Anila Vanderpol (again a Samagraha) was sick. Although doctor readily fixed her within two days, Ruchin started the world's loneliest protest that if he didn't open the gates he would not even drink a single drop of water. But he wasn't successful in his plans. Doctor used his power in such a way that he never felt thirsty again till he apologized.

But today was everybody's happiest day as the doctor announced during breakfast that he is finally lifting off the curfew but strictly ordered everyone to be back to their respective rooms by evening before seven. He has even asked us to inform him immediately if we find anything suspicious. I assume that he is blaming himself for Pruthvi's abduction.

By the way, I am Hayden Mackay, the last Samagraha. And I can't believe I'm also called Fire of Vengeance by some group of people running after our blood. I still don't know why, but I really have had to find out. Sometimes when I look at my stone, it seems to stare back at me like it wants to tell me something. There has always been a red shining twinkling light radiating out of it; which of course, I always thought looked beautiful.

Beautiful... That word reminded me of the girl that came and went out of my mind whenever I used my stone, round face with big bright brown eyes, classy lips and flowing hair, she almost looked like nothing but an angel. "Help me" she said when I was battling the fake doctor-turned-snake two months ago. I didn't say anything about it to anybody. Once or twice I wanted to talk about the girl calling out to me for help with Doctor, but I couldn't win battle that raged in my mind- What if she is not real! What if everyone laughs at me!

It was almost lunch time. I, with Celina and Leena, was sitting in Tyrell's room and chatting about the sudden change that doctor had made today. Pruthvi on the other hand was in his regular duty-he works in the retail shop across the lobby.

"A pizza?" said Celina, "That's your great idea? Honestly Tyrell, we should do something more like, you know, fun."

"Like what?"

"Like shopping," said Leena, "It's been ages I bought something new."

Tyrell made a face. "What are you talking about? Is there anything in the world that you don't own?"

"Hey, of course there is. I think I would like buy a new set of makeup. I heard from Naomika that a new mall has been opened in St. Petersburg. We should go check it out. What do you say Celina?"

(Book 2) Hayden Mackay and The Tears of the MaidenWhere stories live. Discover now