14. Tears of the Maiden

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My mom was a Thribhuvan and I didn't know. How pathetic was that? What kind of parents, don't warn their son of such danger and just die?

I was physically walking alongside Tyrell and Celina but my mind was very far away, reaching back in to my memories to see if they had given any hint of such impending disaster.

"Happy Christmas!" said my dad, barging inside our house, holding up many decorative items for the gigantic tree he bought the day before.

"Honey, we already have so many socks. Why did you buy these again?" said my mom checking all the shopping items my dad came inside with.

"We do?" he said sitting on the couch beside me, "I didn't know that."

"You always buy unnecessary things. You always do that..."

My mom was a real nag and that day it was dad's turn. As much as his sarcastic vein tingled to reply her back, he kept his lips shut tight so as not to enhance complications. He winked at me instead , making me smile. He always did that by which he meant- "Here she goes again!"

"Dad, did you bring what I asked you for?" I said hopefully, trying to divert my mom from shouting at my dad.

"Got it, son!" said my dad handing me over Snickers chocolate from his breast pocket. "Congrats, your mom tells me you topped again in the term exams?"

"Yup!" I said tearing the wrapper, "Sixth grade is so elementary."

"Hayden, no chocolates before dinner," said my mom, "Come on, shut the TV off. You have been watching it since you came back from school."

"But mom, you promised I can do anything if I get all straight A's."

"No, buts," she said firmly taking out tray of casserole from the micro oven and placing it on counter top, "Your aunt and uncle will be here any moment. Come and set the table for me."

I pouted and looked at dad for help.

"You better go now son," he said patting my shoulder and the whispered so that mom couldn't hear, "I promise I'll make it up to you."

I hesitantly switched off the TV and walked towards the dining table, setting the silver.

"So dear," said my dad, pulling over a magazine from the stack beneath the table, "Did you think of any place you want to visit this summer?"

"I don't think so, honey," she said, cleaning the sides of the tray "I think I want to relax staying at home."

I didn't like the idea. I really wanted to do something unusual for the holidays.

"Mom, you know whom Cory is going to visit?" I asked, turning towards her, placing my hand on my hip.

She looked up at me waiting for my answer.

"He is going to California, to celebrate Christmas with his grandparents, like everybody else in world does."

"Good for him," she said, keeping her voice straight.

"Seriously, you didn't get what I am trying to say?"

My dad made a throat clearing sound indirectly asking me to shut my mouth.

"Don't start Hayden," she said, glaring at me, "I have told you we are not going to visit my parents. You can celebrate with your dad's parents if you want."

"They live in Jacksonville," I said, sarcastically, "We visit them twice a month. How is visiting them during the summer  make any special?"

(Book 2) Hayden Mackay and The Tears of the MaidenWhere stories live. Discover now