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I don't remember much from Fifth Grade, other than a significantly embarrassing experience. I remember being stood in front of my class by my fat ass teacher, as she made fun of me and as she read a note aloud to the whole class that my mother, with good intentions, had wrote to her. The note included my mother's opinion on the teaching style and efforts of Ms. Fuckass.

The previous night, before the note was handwritten, I was stressing over homework that had been assigned that day. There were about 20 plus pages of work I had to do, or at least thought I had to do. Sadly, I was mistaken and had misunderstood the instructions for my homework that night. Instead of doing 20 something pages of math, I was supposed to do 20 questions of like, simple multiplication or some shit.

Anyways, I did all that, and my mom was very angry that I had been "assigned" so much. Now mind you, she took my word about the amount of homework I had, and I appreciate that, but I was like 10 and she really shouldn't have. But she did and she wrote that note which led to me being humiliated in the middle of class.

To elaborate on the humiliation shit, my teacher basically stood me up in front of the class and read the note to the class, then bashed me about how stupid I was and that people like me would grow up to be fast food workers. I don't know about you, but as an emotional ten year old, I started crying. Lucky for me though, everyone in class pretty much liked me, and no one laughed. But heads up, I blame her for future events that take place later on, obviously.

One memory, a single one, that was implanted into my brain by that whore of a teacher, that was good was very sparse and was a once in a lifetime experience. Me and a few friends were sitting outside the classroom in the hallway, waiting for her to show up and let us in, when someone decides to bust out a bouncy ball and play with it. Time flies as we're all having fun, and she comes thudding around the corner. My friend tries catching the ball but only ends up making it roll slowly into the middle of the hallway, right into the giant's path. As she comes stomping up, the ball rolls right under her flip flopped foot, and she presses down on her foot to continue her earth shattering stride. CRUNCH!!! And it was dead. My fucking teacher had destroyed that god damned bouncy ball, by stepping on it with a flip flop. Never have I seen that action repeated in my life. No one laughed out of fear, but inside, we were all bawling. That was the only good moment I had in Fifth Grade.

Many people had bullies in school, they were big, tough, and mean. No one wanted to stand up to them, but when the bully is a teacher, what is a slightly shorter than normal, chubby faced, dork like me, supposed to do? Nothing. That's right, I didn't do jack shit about that day. I let it nail itself to my heart, where it obviously stayed. But it's not a big deal, anymore, maybe.

Fifth grade is also the time in which I was exposed to many new things, like porn. Yup, good ole porn! I'll blame the discovery on my, at the time, best friend Jared. He was over at my house one day, and told me he'd discovered an awesome website. I thought "why not?" And let him search it up. Obviously I was excited. That was the first time I'd seen a woman's vagina and breasts. We both scoured the website with our little boners till he had to go.

Just as the best kings fall, the best children too become shrouded in doubt and darkness eventually. My decent into evil, via my parents eyes, was when they saw the search history on the computer, and I had been the last one on it. They confronted me about the porn site, asked me what it was, so I told 'em, "it's a website where I can see pretty women". As you can imagine, my parents became very strict about my internet surfing thereafter.

But, sadly, that was only the start, that was only fifth grade. There is so much more to go over, so c'mon, grab a soda or water or, hell, vodka I really don't care. I'm about to tell you about my middle school and high school story, enjoy.

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