Chapter Three

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.:: CHAPTER THREE - Cafes, Parks and Sad Stories

"SWEETHEART GET YOUR CUTE LITTLE BUTT OUT HERE!" Grams yelled from somewhere in the house.

"Why?" I whined loudly.

"It's almost noon!"

I bolted up, rolling over and falling flat on the floor.

Noon? I was supposed to wake up early for a run!

Dragging myself off the floor, I went over to the bathroom and brushed my hair quickly. Not really bothering to change out of the yoga shorts and Aeropostale shirt I had on, I went out into the kitchen and plopped down on one of the chairs surrounding the dining table.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Grams teased as she set a plate of pancakes in front of me. "Eat up quickly, dearie. Me and you are going into town today."

Quickly gulping down the piece of pancake I ate just stuffed into my mouth, I asked her what we'd be doing.

"Oh, just a ladies' day. My friend Meredith and her grand-daughter Olivia will be meeting us there. I think that you'll really like Olivia, she's a real sweet girl."

"Well I could use a friend to talk about girl stuff to," I smiled and finished my pancakes.

After helping clean up, I went to my bedroom and went over to my dresser to pick out my outfits for the day. Since it was fairly cold, I went with a white and grey striped long tank top, a pair of thick purple leggings and my favourite pair of grey flats. For accessories, I put on some silver bangles and the silver chained cross necklace that I got for my fifteenth birthday.

Proceeding to the bathroom, I quickly loosely curled my hair and applied minimal makeup.

Just as I applied my lipgloss, Grams told me that we were leaving.

It was a quite travel to get to town since Olivia decided to swing by and pick us up. The first thing we did was go window shopping down the Main Street of Downtown Merriwyn. While doing that, we stopped off at a small cafe for a small snack.

"So, you meet any cute boys yet Dahl?" Olivia winked.

"I met one guy at the grocery store yesterday. His name's Jordan and we got along pretty well," I told her.

"Boyfriend material?" she questioned.

"We only talked for two minutes, Livi," I rolled my eyes.

"Well I hope I get to meet this Jordan fellow one day."

"I do too, Olivia," Grams butt in. "From the way she was blushing when she mentioned him at lunch yesterday I think they'll be spending quite a bit of time together," she added with a laugh.

"Ooh damn!" Livi squealed. "First day in town and you have a potential boyfriend. What's day two gonna hold?"

Since Grams was now deep in a conversation with Meredith, I decided to talk a little more in depth. "He gave me his number so I might just ask him if he wanted to hang out later."

Just as she opened her mouth to talk, her phone let out a small ring. Picking it up from the table, she quickly read the message she had just received. "Sorry Dahl, but there's an emergency at work. Maybe we can hang out again?"

"Yeah, of course! I wanted to check out the town park anyway so it's not a big deal," I replied with a genuine smile.

"See you later, ladies," she said as she got up and left. We all said a quick bye.

"If you don't mind, Grams, I'll just go take a quick walk around town."

"Of course, dear, but make sure that you're home by eight," she replied.

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