Problems With Introduction

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You weren't very sure what to expect as your Mother decided to move to the all famous Gravity Falls. You were creative, at any time of the day, and your outfits (since you're a famous YouTuber and got to explore all of New York and California) always usually fit your emotional state. Right now, you were excited, yet scared. So, your was something simple and just had you written all over it. You listened to your music, humming along with it as you grinned.

You all of the sudden notice the car stopping, and blinked, opening your eyes. You were in the forest, and you looked out the front window. In front of the car was a worn-out cabin. You groaned.

''Just so you know (Y/N), there's no WiFi up here until your father gets it set up. So no videos and online gaming for a week.'' As soon as your mother told you this, your heart dropped into your stomach.

''WHAT!?'' You screeched. You gripped your kitten-cased phone. N... No... Wifi...? You felt like you were going to die in this horrid place. It was scary, especially since you guys didn't make it there until dark.

Your mother ignored your stupid scream. ''The mystery Shack is just down the road and to the right of this place, why don't you go say hi to the people that live there?'' You rubbed your forehead and decided to go with it. You know the moving company, carpenters, ect, won't be there until tomorrow. So, hey, why not give yourself a break and just go barge in and say hi to the random ass people who live in the Mystery Shack? Especially at night, it was like, seven in the evening. Though, you had really nothing else to do.

You made your way to the shack, checking once in a while if you had any texts from your friends. You leaned against a tree as taking a break from walking. 'Down the road' your ass. You began reading old texts from your friend from New York - Amy.

Amy said:

Good mornin, Girly! I hope you're up and ready, 'cuz me got a
challenge from a favorite fan this mornin'! Are ya up for the challenge?

You said:

Oh, sorry, I'm not sure today. Ma said that we havta get ready
to move n' stuff. We're going to this weird-sounding place call-
ed Gravity Falls, and I'm not too sure I like the sound of the

Amy said:

What?! Ya're moving! And to that place!? Oh, dear...
Me just wanna tell ya to be safe, okay sweety? G.F is a very
Mystery filled place and anything can come up and snatch
ya up and away.

You said:

Are you talking about kidnappers or something? Because it just
sounds as if that place is the key spot for that thing to you.
Have you gone there before? What was it like!?

Amy said:

Oh... Uhm... M-Me gotta go. I-I'll catchya on that topic
Amy Patterson has now gone offline.

You gave a loud groan, hating the fact that Amy never really told you about Gravity Falls. What the hell was so weird about it? Ever since then, Amy never decided to get back on. It worried you, almost as if Gravity Falls was some kind of secret place where no one should go that should keep their life.

Was Amy worried about you for once? Usually Amy was just there as a body guard, but was she actually trying to keep you safe?

''Uhm. Hello? Are you alive?'' You blinked and looked up at a boy with brunette hair and a blue and white hat with a Pine Tree on it. You tilted your head at him.

''Yeah, I'm alive.'' You muttered, hugging your knees and looking away from him. Why the hell was he cute? ''Why would you care anyway?''

''Because I actually know you...'' He rubbed the back of his neck with a slight, nervous chuckle escaping him. ''Are you that girl from the YouTube channel? (YT/C), I think it was called.'' Your head perked up.''Uh. Y-Yeah, I am... I thought you could barely get internet here unless you had a router or somethin'.'' You blinked a few times up at him, wondering what his name was.

''I wouldn't expect you to come to a weird place like Gravity Falls.'' He seemed really nervous, having poked his index fingers together. ''W-What did bring you here? And yeah, that's true, but... my Grunkle's special.'' You raised an eyebrow when he said 'special'.

With a slight sigh, you stood up straight, dusting yourself off. You stood at least three inches higher than him. ''Well, my Mom wanted to move here as a special 'occasion' or something. I don't really know, I wasn't really paying attention when she explained some of it to me.'' You snickered a bit. He chuckled.

''Ah, well.. I'm Dipper.'' He held out his hand for you to shake, as if he was doing business or something with you. You gave a smile, and shook his hand.

''Well you know my YouTube name... But my real name is (Y/N).'' He quickly retracted his hand, looking as if he just touched the softest hands on Earth.

''Really?'' He chirped a bit. ''You've never said your real name on YouTube, so no one could know your real name.'' He examined your body. With a slight grin curling into his lips. ''It's... very nice to meet you (Y/N).'' Dipper thought for a few moments, fixing his hat. As he did so, you were able to see the birthmark on his head. You tilted your head a bit.

''Is that why you're called Dipper?'' You asked, pointing at his forehead. He smacked his hand over it, a pink blush tinting his cheeks.

''Uhh... Yeah. Somewhat.'' He looked nervous about it. You just giggled, thinking it was adorable. Tilting your head, you looked at him fully. He interrupted your thoughts by looking at you, eye-to-eye, making your face hot. ''Would you want to come to the Mystery Shack sometime!?'' He exclaimed, then blinked and looked down, noticing how close you guys were for a split second. ''Uh... O-Only if you-''

''That would be awesome.'' You blurted, then covered your mouth, wide-eyed. ''Err... I would love to...'' You felt embarrassed.

''So, I'll... see you around, then?'' He asked quietly, looking at you. You gave an encouraging nod. He smiled wide and began heading home, waving behind him at you.

Maybe Gravity Falls isn't as bad as you thought it would be.

A Mysterious Love || Dipper x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now