20. Alright

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Sunday 13th of September, 2015

The cashier gave me my White Caffe Latte with my name on it. I thanked her and went back to my mom who was waiting in front of the arrivals sign.

"Here's the change." I handed her the coins that was left from the bill I paid with.

I took a sip from the warm cup and let it slowly warm up my whole body. It was incredibly cold today so I was wearing my army green winter parka coat with Uggs and a beanie.

Me and my mom were at the airport waiting for Abbie. I was so excited to see her and she was going to be home for a whole week. That was a lot. I think she had a little break from her studies so she could visit us. Whereas Alex had been so busy lately that she barely even found time to call us. Too busy with partying, I suppose.

"The flight's late." mom nervously glanced down at her wrist watch.

"Mom, calm down. I bet there's just problems finding the luggage." I tried to calm her down.

She literally hated flying. That was why we barely went anywhere where you had to use an airplane to get there. She crossed her limits last summer when we went to the Bahamas with Casey's family. Even then she had to take some sleeping pills so she didn't freak out every time the plane turned or jumped a little.

I leaned my weight on my right leg as I looked at the sliding doors, bored. My mind went else where and when my mom let out a quiet, actually it wasn't that quiet, squeal I almost had a heart attack. The sliding doors opened and the first one to walk out was Abbie with her one huge and one smaller suitcase. Mom skipped over to her and wrapped her arms around Abbie's upper body. I followed excitedly while giggling. They pulled away and I ran to Abbie's arms.

"Sissyy!" she giggled to my hair.

"I missed you, Beebee." I spoke in a higher, happier tone.

Since I was a baby I had called her Beebee. I didn't know how to pronounce her name, Abigail, so I just came up with an alternative name, Beebee. Mom looked at us in awe as we pulled away. I looked down at her suitcases, wondering what on Earth was she carrying with her.

"You brought your friends or...?" I asked, jokingly.

She hit me playfully on my arm while laughing.

"Abbie, we still have your clothes. You don't need to bring tons of clothes with you every time you visit us." mom said in a very motherly tone.

"Mom, you have my high school clothes. That's like wearing Disney t shirts." she defended herself.

I burst out laughing, almost spilling my coffee.

"Well excuse me? Am I wearing Disney t shirts?" I laughed.

First, she made the 'I don't know what to say' expression but I gently slapped it off of her face. I was not wearing Disney t shirts.

"Ava!" mom hissed.

"Good to be home. Going straight to violence, aren't we sissy?" she winked as she handed me the smaller suitcase, "Carry that for me, thanks."

Ah, I loved it when she back in the town.


We sat in the car, blasting up the music as mom held her ears protecting her eardrums from any damage. Me and Abbie knew all the words to How Deep Is Your Love, not missing a single note.

Me and Abbie were very much the same. Well, if you didn't include wisdom. She was so much better in school than I was but still. We both were calm in certain things and didn't like to party and hang out in public places in big groups. But now that Abbie was older, I guess it just comes with the age. Now she goes out with her girl squad and parties. Not as hard as Alex does, though. But still. Abbie had become a woman. She has had even a few boyfriends already. When she started dating she was about 16 or 17. I was 9 then so I don't really remember what kind of relationship she had with that boy. But I was now 15 and I had already kissed the guy that I liked, a lot. That's why it made me re-think everything I did with Justin. But we all are different. I can't compare myself to her, though.

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