25. It kinda felt like it.

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Monday 21st of September, 2015

I woke up to my alarm clock at 6.45am. The buzzing sound annoyed me so much. I hit the snooze button and sat up, rubbing my eyes.

Ugh, Monday. Another new week had started. These past few weeks I've felt like the time has flown by so fast. I've had such a carefree time and nothing had worried me. I guess when you're happy, you don't look at the time so much.

I stood up from my bed and stretched. Coldness hit my bare legs and I shivered. Gladly I had my oversized t shirt on. I went into my bathroom and pulled my panties down to sit on the toilet. I drifted away to a tranze and I think I sat on the toilet for about good five minutes. A knock on my bedroom door took me back down to Earth.

"Are you awake?" mom raised her voice, speaking gently.

"Yeah." I replied with my hoarse, sleepy voice.

I heard her going downstairs and I stood up from the toilet, pulling my panties back up. I flushed the toilet and went to wash my hands and brush my teeth with my electric tooth brush. I had showered just yesterday evening so I didn't have to do it this morning. My hair was curly so I had to straighten it a little. I went back to my bedroom. I dressed up in a pair of black jeans and a light grey oversized turtleneck pullover. I was too tired to put any makeup on so I just left my face natural. I picked up my bag from the floor and put my books in there with my phone and wallet. I turned the lights off in my room and headed downstairs. Mom and dad were in the kitchen having breakfast. I still had about 15 minutes before I had to leave to school.

"Morning." I greeted them tiredly.

They both glanced at me with a smile.

"Morning, kiddo. How'd you sleep?" dad asked as he took a sip from his strong black coffee.

"Okay, I guess." I shrugged and sat down next to them on the bar stool.

I poured myself some cereal to a bowl with milk and started eating it to my empty stomach.

"I can take you to school today." dad patted my shoulder as he stood up to take his dishes to the sink.

I mumbled something with my mouth full of cereal. That was good. I didn't have to use the bus.

Once I had eaten, me and dad started to leave. I was in the hallway, putting on my winter parka and my black boots. I swung my bag on to my shoulder and waited for dad to get dressed up in his outerwear. We said our goodbyes to mom as we left the front door. I sat down on the passengers seat of my dad's Range Rover and he circled to car to get to the drivers seat. He backed away from the garage and started driving down the road.

"Do you have any exams coming?" dad asked me, side glancing me.

"Yes, in a couple of weeks."

"Any hard subjects?"

"Algebra but I think I can make it." I blew air out of my nose, smirking.

"Atta girl." dad laughed with his low voice.

A couple of minutes passed by and my dad pulled over in front of my school. I grabbed my bag from my feet and said 'bye' to dad. I threw the door shut and started making my way to the double doors.

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